Title Metodički instrumentarij kao poticaj razvoja čitalačke pismenosti
Author Kristina Milaj
Mentor Martina Kolar Billege (mentor)
Committee member Martina Kolar Billege (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Budinski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Gazdić-Alerić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Čitalačka je pismenost jedna od najvažnijih kompetencija koju bi učenici trebali steći tijekom obrazovanja, a budući da je i temelj svih nastavnih predmeta, ali i cjeloživotnog učenja - važno ju je razviti do najviše razine i to na različitim vrstama tekstova proizašlim iz različitih svrha čitanja. U nastavnim programima i pripadajućim nastavnim sredstvima u Republici Hrvatskoj ne postoje jasne smjernice za poučavanje čitalačke pismenosti pa se čitalačka pismenost stoga razvija gotovo nesustavno. Metodičkim se instrumentarijima, u postupku analize metodičkog predloška, učenika nastoji voditi do spoznaje željenog pojma ili procesa iz nastavnog programa. Metodički se predlošci najčešće nalaze u udžbeniku, tj. čitanci koja, budući da je temeljna školska knjiga u poučavanju hrvatskoga jezika, prije korištenja u nastavi mora biti vrednovana prema načelima koja proizlaze iz teorije didaktičkog prijenosa i teorije udžbenika. Metodički se instrumentariji također moraju vrlo pomno i precizno pripremiti za učenike kako bi učenici naučili samostalno preispitivati sadržaje kojima su izloženi i kako bi naučili samostalno graditi vlastito znanje. Prvi je cilj ovoga rada bio utvrditi udio informativnih tekstova i književnih djela u čitankama za Hrvatski jezik za četvrti razred primarnog obrazovanja. Drugi je cilj bio utvrditi udio pitanja metodičkih instrumentarija u istim čitankama s obzirom na procese čitalačke pismenosti. Pitanja su ispitana prema sljedećim procesima: pronalaženje podataka i prisjećanje na njih, neposredno zaključivanje, interpretiranje i povezivanje informacija i pojmova te preispitivanje i procjenjivanje sadržaja, jezika i tekstualnih elemenata. Navedeni su procesi definirani u okviru međunarodnog istraživanja PIRLS. U cjelokupnom korpusu ispitanih tekstova utvrđen je znatno manji udio informativnih tekstova u odnosu na književna djela. Rezultati ispitivanja metodičkih instrumentarija pokazuju da je u čitankama najviše pitanja usmjerenih na vrlo jednostavne procese neposrednoga zaključivanja, a najmanje pitanja usmjereno je na preispitivanje i procjenjivanje sadržaja, jezika i tekstualnih elemenata.
Abstract (english) Reading literacy is one of the most important competencies which pupils should acquire throughout their education. Since reading literacy is in the foundation of all other school subjects, but also of lifelong learning - it is of utmost importance to advance it to the highest attainable level, namely on different types of texts derived from various reading purposes. Since the teaching programmes and corresponding teaching resources in the Republic of Croatia contain no clear guidelines for teaching reading literacy, the reading literacy develops almost randomly. In the process of methodical template analysis, the methodical instrumentation is used to attempt guiding the pupil to cognizance of a desired idea or process from the teaching programme. The methodical templates are most commonly found in textbooks, i.e. readers, which, being the fundamental schoolbooks in teaching Croatian language, must be evaluated before their use in the classroom, according to the principles derived from the theory of didactical transfer and theory of schoolbook. The methodical instrumentations must also be prepared for pupils meticulously and precisely, so that the pupils could learn to question independently the content they are exposed to and also learn to build their own knowledge independently. The primary goal of this paper was to define the shareof literary texts and informational texts in the Croatian language readers for the fourth grade of primary education. The second goal was to determine the share of methodical scaffolding questions in these same readers, considering the process of comprehension. The scaffolding questions were examined according to the following processes: focusing on and retrieving explicitly stated information; making straightforward inferences; questions directed to interpreting and integrating information and ideas and lastly, evaluating and critiquing content, language and textual elements. The mentioned processes are defined within the PIRLS international study. In the entire collection of examined texts, a significantly lesser number of informative texts was found compared to number of literary works. The methodical instrumentation study results show that the largest share of scaffolding questions in reader schoolbooks focuses on very simple processes of making straightforward inferences, and the least number of questions focuses on evaluating and critiquing content, language and textual elements.
nastava hrvatskoga jezika
čitalačka pismenost
metodički instrumentarij
vrsta teksta
Keywords (english)
teaching Croatian language
reading literacy
methodical instrumentation (scaffolding questions)
type of text
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:933666
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-04-24 12:53:14