Abstract | UVOD: Reproduktivno zdravlje osnovno je ljudsko pravo, ali svojevrsna i obveza. Razdoblje mladosti obilježeno je brojnim promjenama i poteškoćama koje često mogu negativno utjecati na spolno, ali i opće zdravlje pojedinca. Nužno je bilo procijeniti moguće prepreke prema cilju postizanja najbolje razine univerzalne zdravstvene zaštite i na njih utjecati.
CILJ: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi i usporediti razinu znanja o reproduktivnom zdravlju i planiranju obitelji kod mladih u Gradu Zagrebu s obzirom na vrstu obrazovanja, spol, status veze i iskustvo spolnog odnosa. Nadalje, procijenjena je sposobnost prepoznavanja i sklonost rizičnim ponašanjima te usvojenost zdravih navika vezanih uz spolno zdravlje.
METODE: Ispitani su studenti sestrinstva i komunikologije s Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta te učenici 4. razreda Škole za medicinske sestre Vinogradska i I. Tehničke škole Tesla. Istraživanje je provedeno uživo u prostorijama navedenih ustanova. Za provedbu istraživanja korišten je anketni upitnik formiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Pitanja iz upitnika konstruirana su uz pomoć Kviza znanja dostupnog na internetskoj stranici Spolno zdravlje, uz prilagodbu specifičnim potrebama ovog istraživanja. Anketni upitnik sastojao se od 45 pitanja zatvorenog tipa podijeljenih u 3 skupine. Prva skupina pitanja ispitivala je sociodemografske karakteristike ispitanika, druga skupina pitanja odnosila se na znanje o spolnom zdravlju i planiranju obitelji, a treća skupina na navike i stavove vezane uz spolno zdravlje i planiranje obitelji. Uspoređeno je ukupno znanje s obzirom na vrstu obrazovanja (zdravstveni i nezdravstveni studij odnosno srednja škola), spol, status veze i iskustvo spolnog odnosa. Nakon ispunjavanja upitnika učenicima i studentima podijeljen je letak s točnim odgovorima i njihovim pojašnjenjima. Za prikaz podataka korištena je deskriptivna, a za dokazivanje hipoteza inferencijalna statistika.
REZULTATI: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 334 ispitanika. Najviše ispitanika imalo je 18 (56,6%), 20 (15,3%) i 21 godinu (15,0%). Većina ispitanika u trenutku ispitivanja nije bila u vezi (61,3%). Dokazano je kako je postojala statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom znanju o spolnom zdravlju s obzirom na vrstu obrazovanja, spol, status veze i iskustvo spolnog odnosa. Ustanovljeno je kako su studenti sestrinstva postigli statistički značajno viši prosječni rang (p=0,001) te veću razinu znanja na pitanjima iz anketnog upitnika vezanima uz znanje o spolnom zdravlju u odnosu na studente komunikologije Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta te učenike zdravstvene i nezdravstvene škole. Analizom odgovora svih sudionika ovog istraživanja utvrđeno je kako su mladi pokazali najvišu razinu znanja u svezi s preporukom za korištenje dvojne zaštite, koja služi kao prevencija trudnoće i spolno prenosivih bolesti (97,9%). 94,6% ispitanika bilo je svjesno činjenice kako osoba zaražena spolno prenosivom bolešću može izgledati zdravo, 92,8% ispitanika prepoznalo je potencijalno negativan utjecaj kemikalija iz okoliša na spolne hormone kod muškaraca i žena, a 91,6% ispitanika prepoznalo je izjavu kako postoji velika vjerojatnost da će spolno aktivne osobe mlađe od 25 godina dobiti spolno prenosivu bolest kao točnu. Najmanji udio točnih odgovora zabilježen je kod pitanja poznavanja MPO kratice (21,8 %), HIV kratice (33,2%) i specijaliste nadležnog za reproduktivno zdravlje (30,2%).
RASPRAVA: Spolno zdravlje mladih jedno je od ključnih područja zdravstva koje zahtijeva posebnu pažnju zbog dugoročnih implikacija na fizičku, emocionalnu i društvenu dobrobit. Ovo istraživanje dalo je uvid u znanje, navike i stavove mladih na srednjoškolskoj i visokoškolskoj razini obrazovanja, a koji kao obrazovnu podlogu imaju zdravstveno i nezdravstveno usmjerenje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja uspoređeni su s rezultatima sličnih istraživanja u drugim državama.
ZAKLJUČAK: Studenti sestrinstva Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta pokazali su statistički značajnu višu razinu znanja o spolnom zdravlju u odnosu na studente komunikologije Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta, učenike zdravstvene i učenike nezdravstvene srednje škole. Statistički značajna viša razina znanja zabilježena je kod ispitanika koji su ženskog spola, onih čiji je ljubavni status bio u vezi ili u braku i kod ispitanika koji su imali iskustvo spolnog odnosa. Zaključno, uočena je potreba za unaprjeđenjem edukacije o spolnom zdravlju kod mladih u Republici Hrvatskoj. |
Abstract (english) | BACKGROUND: Reproductive health is a fundamental human right, but it is also a responsibility. Adolescence is marked by numerous changes and challenges that can often negatively impact sexual as well as general health. It was necessary to assess potential obstacles to achieving the highest level of universal health care and address them.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine and compare the level of knowledge about reproductive health and family planning among young people in the City of Zagreb, considering the type of education, gender, relationship status, and sexual experience. Furthermore, the study assessed the ability to recognise and the tendency towards risky behaviours, as well as the adoption of healthy habits related to sexual health.
METHODS: The study involved nursing and communication students from the Catholic University of Croatia, as well as 4th-grade students from the Vinogradska School of Nursing and the I. Technical School Tesla. The research was conducted in person at the premises of these institutions. A survey questionnaire designed specifically for this research was used for data collection. The questionnaire's questions were constructed with the help of a knowledge quiz available on the Sexual Health website and were adapted to the specific needs of this study. The survey consisted of 45 closed-ended questions divided into three groups. The first group of questions examined the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents, the second group addressed knowledge about sexual health and family planning, and the third group focused on habits and attitudes related to sexual health and family planning. The overall knowledge was compared according to the type of education (health-related and non-health-related university studies or secondary schools), gender, relationship status, and sexual experience. After completing the questionnaire, students were given a leaflet with correct answers and their explanations. Descriptive statistics were used to present the data, and inferential statistics were applied to test the hypotheses.
RESULTS: The study involved 334 participants. The largest groups of participants were 18 years old (56.6%), 20 years old (15.3%), and 21 years old (15.0%). At the time of the survey, the majority of participants were not in a relationship (61.3%). It was demonstrated that there was a statistically significant difference in overall knowledge about sexual health based on the type of education, gender, relationship status, and sexual experience. It was found that nursing students achieved a statistically significantly higher average rank (p=0.001) and a greater level of knowledge on questions from the survey related to sexual health compared to communication students at the Catholic University of Croatia and students from both health and non-health-oriented secondary schools. Analysis of the responses from all participants revealed that young people demonstrated the highest level of knowledge regarding the recommendation for using dual protection as a means of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (97.9%). Additionally, 94.6% of participants were aware that a person infected with a sexually transmitted infection could appear healthy, 92.8% recognised the potentially negative impact of environmental chemicals on sexual hormones in both men and women, and 91.6% identified the statement that sexually active individuals under 25 years old are at high risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection as accurate. The lowest proportion of correct answers was noted for questions about the abbreviation MPO (21.8%), the abbreviation HIV (33.2%), and the specialist responsible for reproductive health (30.2%).
DISCUSSION: Sexual health among young people is one of the key areas of healthcare that requires special attention due to its long-term implications for physical, emotional, and social well-being. This study provided insights into the knowledge, habits, and attitudes of young people at secondary and higher education levels, with both health-oriented and non-health-oriented educational backgrounds. The results of this study were compared with findings from similar research conducted in other countries.
CONCLUSION: Nursing students from the Catholic University of Croatia demonstrated a statistically significantly higher level of knowledge about sexual health compared to communication students at the same university, as well as students from health-related and non-health-related secondary schools. A statistically significant higher level of knowledge was recorded among female respondents, those in a relationship or married, and those who had sexual experience. In conclusion, the study highlighted the need to improve education on sexual health among young people in the Republic of Croatia. |