Abstract | Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je ispitati koliki udio trudnica i njihovih partnera, koje su prošle trudnički tečaj, imaju pozitivan stav o dojenju.
Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno mjernim instrumentima socioanamnestičkim upitnikom i IIFAS skalom za ispitivanje stava o dojenju (Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale).
Uzorak u istraživanju su bile trudnice i njihovi partneri (N=100) koji su završili tečaj priprema za porod pri KBC Zagreb- Klinika za ženske bolesti i porode od siječnja 2019. godine do lipnja 2019.godine. U obradi podataka korišten je IBM SPSS Statistic verzija 25. Statistička analiza je napravljena prema kvantitativnoj metodologiji.
Rezultati: Ovim istraživanjem utvrđeno je kako ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između razine naobrazbe i pozitivnog stava o dojenju. Analizom podataka i izračunom Hi- kvadrat testa p=0,795, pri čemu je p>0,05 te se zaključuje kako ne postoji
statistički značajna povezanost između razine naobrazbe ispitanika sa stavovima o dojenju, pa ni s pozitivnim stavom o dojenju.
Također ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između tvrdnje da dojenje pojačava povezanost majke i djeteta sa stavovima o dojenju jer je p=0,084. Prema starosnoj dobi, ispitanici većinom imaju neutralan stav o dojenju 74%, a njih 23% ima pozitivan stav o dojenju. Ni jedan ispitanik, neovisno o dobi nema pozitivan stav prema hranjenju zamjenskim mlijekom. U ovom istraživanju vrlo pozitivan stav o hranjenju zamjenskim mlijekom nije imao, općenito, ni jedan ispitanik. Čak 73,8% ispitanika ima neutralan stav prema hranjenju zamjenskim mlijekom. Istraživanjem je dobiven rezultat u kojem nema statistički značajne
razlike prema stavu o dojenju s obzirom na spol (t=0,475, p=0,325), dob (t=0,323, p=0,941), obrazovanje (t=0,576, p=0,795) i mjesto stanovanja (t=0,902, p=1). Čak 63% ispitanika u ovom istraživanju nije nimalo suglasno s tvrdnjom da se očevi osjećaju izostavljeno ako majka doji. Također 97,36% muških ispitanika smatraju da mogu biti svojim partnericama podrška u dojenju. Samo 24,2% ispitanica ovog istraživanja ima namjeru nakon poroda uključiti se u Grupu podrške za dojenje.
Zaključak: Pozitivan stav o dojenju u grupi ispitanika koji su prošli tečaj za porod (trudnice i njihovi partneri) ima 23% ispitanika. |
Abstract (english) | Goal: The aim of this paper is to examine proportion of pregnant women's and their partners, who have completed a maternity course, about positive attitude in breastfeeding. Subjects and methods: The study was conducted with a measurement instruments using a socio-anamnesis questionnaire and an IIFAS breastfeeding attitude scale (Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale). The sample in the study were pregnant women’s and their partners (N = 100) that went through the maternity course at KBC Zagreb – Clinic for Women's Diseases and Births. Sample was collected through period of time starting with January 2019. and ending with June 2019. IBM SPSS Statistic version 25 was used for data processing. Statistical analysis was performed according to a quantitative methodology.
Results: This study found that there is no statistically significant correlation between educational level and positive breastfeeding attitude. By analyzing the data and calculating the Chi-square test (p=0.795, p>0.05) it is concluded that there is no statistically significant correlation between the level of education of the subjects with the attitudes about
breastfeeding. Also there is no statistically significant correlation between the claim that breastfeeding enhances the relationship of mother and child with attitudes about breastfeeding because p=0.084. According to age, most respondents, 74%, has a neutral attitude about breastfeeding, while 23% has a positive attitude. None of the respondents, regardless of age, had a positive attitude towards feeding them with substitute milk. In this study, no respondent had a very positive attitude about feeding on substitute milk. The study obtained a result with no statistically significant difference in attitude regarding breastfeeding to gender (t=0,475, p=0,325), age (t=0,323, p=0,941), education (t=0,576, p=0,795) and place of residence (t=0,902, p=1). In terms of agreeing with the statement whether fathers feel left out if the mother is breastfeeding 63% of the respondents in this study do not agree with it. Also 97.36% of male respondents think they can support their breastfeeding partners. Only 24.2% of female respondents to this study intend to join the Breastfeeding Support Group after childbirth. Conclusion: Positive attitude about breastfeeding in the group of respondents that passed the maternity course has 23% of respondents. |