Title Utjecaj emocija na rizično odlučivanje
Title (english) The effect of emotions on risky decision making
Author Zrinka Štetić
Mentor Mia Šetić Beg (mentor)
Mentor Dragan Glavaš (mentor)
Committee member Martina Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krunoslav Matešić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihana Brkljačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-02-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Dugo se vjerovalo da su ljudi vrlo racionalna bića, međutim danas nam je ljudska „nepromišljenost“ prilikom odlučivanja vrlo poznata. Upravo iz tog razloga imamo i mnoge rizične odluke. One uključuju različite psihološke procese - za neke odluke su istaknutiji afektivni procesi, dok su za druge odluke dominantniji racionalni procesi. Da bi doznali više o procesu odlučivanja kliničari i neuropsiholozi procjenjuju taj proces koristeći mjere ponašanja pomoću različitih zadataka koji se temelje na jednoj od vodećih teorija donošenja odluka - dvoprocesnoj teoriji. Dvoprocesna teorija tvrdi da postoje dva odvojena puta za odlučivanje. Jedan put je emocionalan ili „vrući“, on je brz, automatski te ga najčešće nismo svjesni, dok je drugi put racionalan ili „hladni“, koji je spor, namjeran i obično smo ga svjesni. Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitanje utjecaja emocija na rizično odlučivanje. Sudionici istraživanja prvotno su bili izloženi emocionalnoj indukciji korištenjem kratkih video sekvenci iz triju različitih filmova, a nakon čega su rješavali kolumbijski zadatak s karticama (Columbia Card Task - CCT) koji ima za cilj procijeniti i afektivne („vruće“) i racionalne („hladne“) procese odlučivanja koristeći dvije paralelne verzije zadatka. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 89 ispitanika, od čega 75 studentica i 14 studenata psihologije Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta. Prosječna dob sudionika bila je 21 godina.
Rezultati su pokazali češće rizičnije odlučivanje u zadacima koji potiču reaktivno odlučivanje u odnosu na zadatke koji potiču racionalno odlučivanje, pri čemu taj efekt ne ovisi o emocionalnoj indukciji. Nadalje nije utvrđen značajan efekt emocionalne indukcije na sklonost rizičnom odlučivanju.
Abstract (english) lthough it has long been believed that humans are very rational beings, today, human "thoughtlessness" in decision making is very familiar to us. It is for this reason that people make risky decisions. Risky decisions involve different psychological processes - affective processes are more prominent for some decisions, while rational decisions are more dominant for others. To learn more about the decision-making process, clinicians and neuropsychologists evaluate this process using behavioural measures using a variety of tasks that are based on one of the leading decision-making theories - the dual-process theory. The dual-process theory states that there are two separate paths for decision making. One is emotional or "hot", it's fast, automatic and most of the time we're not aware of it, while the other is a rational or "cold", slow, deliberate and we're usually aware of it. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of emotions on risky decision making. In the research, participants were initially exposed to emotional induction using short video sequences from three different films, and then approached the Columbia Card Task (CCT), which measures both affective ("hot") and rational ("cold") decision-making processes using two parallel versions of the task. The study involved 89 subjects, of which 75 were female, and 14 were male students of psychology at the Catholic University of Croatia. The average age of the participants was 21 years.
The results showed more risky decision-making in tasks that stimulate reactive decision-making than in tasks that stimulate rational decision-making, while the effect does not depend on emotional induction. Furthermore, no significant effect of emotional induction on risk-taking propensity was found.
rizično odlučivanje
emocionalna indukcija
dvoprocesna teorija
Keywords (english)
risky decision making
emotional induction
dual process theory
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:459514
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-03-12 13:25:42