Title Kvaliteta života nakon formiranja ileostome i kolostome
Title (english) Quality of life after ileostomy and colostomy formation
Author Mirela Malinovec
Mentor Dinko Puntarić (mentor)
Committee member Vjekoslav Peitl (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravko Habek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dinko Puntarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Stoma je kirurški izveden otvor na trbušnoj stjenci koji predstavlja zamjenski put kojima se produkti probave izlučuju iz organizma. Stome mogu biti privremene i trajne, a glavna svrha i zadaća stome je izlučivanje produkata probave u obliku fekalija iz organizma te plinova koji se stvaraju kao nusprodukt probave. Stoma se često formira kao prevencija progresije karcinoma.
U Republici Hrvatskoj živi oko četiri tisuće bolesnika sa stomom (ne postoji registar) i većina njih nije prije točno znalo što ona predstavlja i postanu svjesni tek kada se s njom susretnu. Osim fizičke promjene, kod pacijenata sa stomom dolazi i do promjene psihičkog blagostanja i smanjenja kvalitete života.
Metodologija: Istraživanje je provedeno na 67 bolesnika koji imaju formiranu kolostomu ili ileostomu, a koji su boravili na Odjelu opće i onkološke kirurgije Kliničkog bolničkog centra „Sestre milosrdnice“ u razdoblju od travnja do lipnja 2020. Ispitanici su ispunili anonimni upitnik o kvaliteti života nakon formiranja stome. Rezultati su interpretirani na razini značajnosti manjoj od 0,05.
Rezultati: Analizom podataka utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u kvaliteti života bolesnika koji imaju kolostomu ovisno o dobi i spolu te kod bolesnika koji imaju ileostomu ovisno o dobi i spolu.
Ispitanici s formiranom kolostomom u dobnoj skupini 40 do 60 godina nisu zadovoljni kvalitetom života, ali ne smatraju da im je potpuno kvaliteta života narušena nakon formiranja stome. Ispitanici s formiranom ileostomom nisu u potpunosti zadovoljni kvalitetom života i smatraju da im je ona narušena nakon formiranja stome. U dobnoj skupini iznad 60 godina ispitanici s kolostomom su uglavnom zadovoljni kvalitetom života i smatraju da im ona nije narušena dok oni s ileostomom nisu zadovoljni kvalitetom života,ali nisu sigurni da li je ona u potpunosti narušena ili nije. Ispitanici oba spola s kolostomom nisu sigurni da li su uglavnom zadovoljni kvalitetom života i smatraju da im nije narušena kvaliteta života dok ispitanici s ileostomom smatraju da nisu uglavnom zadovoljni kvalitetom života. Ženski ispitanici s ileostomom smatraju da im je narušena kvaliteta života dok muški ispitanici nisu sigurni da li im je kvaliteta narušena ili nije.
Zaključak: Formiranje stome bilo koje vrste je za svakog bolesnika izrazito velika fizička, psihička, emocionalna promjena. Ukoliko bolesnik nije unaprijed upoznat sa mogućnošću takvog ishoda liječenja (hitne operacije) takva promjena je još značajnija. Na kvalitetu života
utječe mogućnost i način prehrane, aktivnosti i mogućnost bavljenja istim, seksualni život, obavljanje uobičajenih svakodnevnih radnji, zajednica i pripadnost zajednici.
Abstract (english) Introduction: A stoma is a surgically performed opening in the abdominal wall that is an alternate route by which waste products are excreted from the body. A stoma can be temporary or permanent. The main purpose and task of the stoma is the excretion of harmful substances in the form of feces from the body, and gases that are created as a byproduct of digestion. The stoma is often performed as a way of preventing cancer progression. About four thousand patients with a stoma live in the Republic of Croatia (there is no register) and most of them did not know exactly what it represents ahead of osteotomy and became aware only when they faced it. In addition to physical change, patients with stoma also experience changes in mental well-being and reduced quality of life. Method: The study was conducted among 67 patients with colostomy or ileostomy, who stayed at the Department of General and Oncological Surgery oft he Clinical Hospital Center „Sisters of Mercy“ in the period from April to June 2020. Patients completed an anonymous questionnaire on quality of life after stoma formation. The results were interpreted at a significance level of <0.05. Results: Analysis of the data showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the quality of life of patients with colostomy and ileostomy depending on age and sex. Subjects with a formed colostomy in the age group of 40 to 60 years are not satisfied with the quality of life, but do not feel that their quality of life is completely impaired after the formation of the stoma. Subjects with formed ileostomy are not completely satisfied with the quality of life and believe that it is impaired after the formation of the stoma. In the age group over 60 years, subjects with colostomy are generally satisfied with their quality of life and feel that it is not impaired while those with ileostomy are not satisfied with their quality of life, but are not sure whether it is completely impaired or not. Subjects of both sexes with colostomy are not sure whether they are generally satisfied with their quality of life and feel that their quality of life has not been impaired, while subjects with ileostomy believe that they are generally not satisfied with their quality of life. Female subjects with ileostomy feel that their quality of life is impaired while male subjects are not sure whether their quality is impaired or not.
Conclusion: Formation of a stoma of any kind is an extremely large change in physical, mental, emotional part of life for each patient. If the patient is not aware in advance of the possibility of such a treatment outcome (emergency surgery), such a change is even more significant. Quality of life is affected by the ability and manner of eating, activities and the
ability to engage in it, sex life, performing normal daily activities, community and belonging to the community.
kvaliteta života
Keywords (english)
quality of life
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:570111
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-09-29 10:12:23