Title Vizualna percepcija i vizualno pamćenje u pacijenata nakon operacije aneurizme mozgovnih arterija
Title (english) Visual Perception and Visual Memory in Patients after Cerebral Artery Aneurysm Surgery
Author Antonella Pocrnja
Mentor Ljiljana Pačić Turk (mentor)
Committee member Martina Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Jazvinšćak Jembrek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Pačić Turk (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Cerebrovaskularne bolesti imaju nesporno medicinsko i socioekonomsko značenje u okviru neuroloških bolesti te zauzimaju prvo mjesto kao uzrok invaliditeta i treće mjesto uzroka smrtnosti u svijetu. Uključuju mozgovne aneurizme koje uzrokuju moguće poteškoće u kognitivnom funkcioniranju, poput deficita vizualne percepcije i vizualnog pamćenja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi prisutnost deficita vizualne percepcije i vizualnog pamćenja u grupi ispitanika nakon operacije aneurizme mozgovnih arterija, te ispitati prediktorski doprinos sociodemografskih i neuroloških čimbenika deficitima vizualne percepcije i vizualnog pamćenja. Ispitanici (N=132) su bili pacijenti koji su prošli neuropsihološku obradu 1 do 6 mjeseci nakon operacije mozgovne aneurizme u posljednjih 10 godina u Klinici za neurokirurgiju Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Klinički bolnički centar Zagreb. Rezultati su ukazali na postojanje deficita vizualne percepcije i vizualnog pamćenja, pri čemu su ispitanici postizali statistički značajno lošije rezultate u odnosu na norme zdrave populacije. Prediktor obrazovanja bio je jedini statistički značajan prediktor u zadacima precrtavanja (vizualne percepcije) pri čemu su ispitanici s višim obrazovanjem postizali više rezultate. U domeni neposrednog dosjećanja, statistički značajnim prediktorima su se pokazali dob, obrazovanje i lateralizacija, tj. stariji ispitanici s nižim obrazovanjem postizali su statistički značajno lošije rezultate, a ispitanici s bilateralno smještenom aneurizmom su postizali statistički značajno lošije rezultate od ispitanika s aneurizmom u lijevoj hemisferi. Pri odgođenom dosjećanju statistički značajnim prediktorima su se pokazali spol, dob i lateralizacija, tj. žene i mlađi ispitanici postizali su više rezultate u odnosu na muškarce i starije ispitanike, a ispitanici s bilateralno smještenom aneurizmom postizali su statistički značajno lošije rezultate i od ispitanika s aneurizmom u lijevoj mozgovnoj hemisferi i od ispitanika s aneurizmom u desnoj mozgovnoj hemisferi. Konačno, prediktor komorbiditeta se nije pokazao statistički značajnim u kontekstu vizualne percepcije i vizualnog pamćenja.
Abstract (english) Cerebrovascular diseases are important medical and socioeconomic issue in the context of neurological diseases and represent the first leading cause of physical impairment and the third leading cause of mortality worldwide. These diseases include the brain aneurysms that may cause problems with cognitive functioning, such as deficits of visual perception and visual memory. The goal of this research is to determine the presence of deficits in the ability of visual perception and visual retention in the group of subjects who had undergone the surgical procedure on the brain aneurysm, as well as to assess the predictor’s contribution of sociodemographic and neurological factors to deficits in the ability of visual perception and visual retention. The respondents (N=132) were subjected to neuropsychological examination in the period of 1 to 6 months following brain aneurysm surgery performed at the Department of Neurosurgery, Medical School, University of Zagreb in the last 10 years. The results of the study demonstrated the presence of deficits in the ability of visual perception and visual retention, as the test scores obtained by the subjects were statistically significantly lower in comparison to the norms in healthy population. Education has been identified as the only statistically significant predictor for the Copy (visual perception), as subjects with higher level of education achieved better results. Age, education and lateralization have been recognized as the statistically significant predictors in Immediate recall domain, as older subjects with lower level of education achieved statistically lower results. Also, subjects who had bilateral aneurysm achieved worse test scores in comparison to the subjects who had aneurysm in the left hemisphere of the brain. Gender, age and lateralization have been identified as the statistically significant predictors in the Delayed recall domain, as women and younger subjects achieved better results in comparison to men and older subjects, while subjects who had bilateral aneurysm achieved statistically significantly worse results in comparison to both those with aneurysm in the left hemisphere of the brain and those who had aneurysm in the right hemisphere of the brain. Finally, comorbidity has not been shown to be a statistically significant predictor in the context of visual perception and visual retention.
Mozgovne aneurizme
vizualna percepcija
vizualno pamćenje
sociodemografski čimbenici
neurološki čimbenici
Keywords (english)
Cerebral aneurysm
visual perception
visual memory
sociodemographic factors
neurological factors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:407766
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-06-14 09:47:37