Title Početne godine Prvog svjetskog rata na stranicama Ilustrovanog lista
Title (english) The early years of the World War I on the pages of Ilustrovani list
Author Jure Jurlina
Mentor Mario Kevo (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Anić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Puljizević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Kevo (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract Na temelju Ilustrovanog lista i dostupne literature, autor prikazuje političke, ratne i društvene događaje na prostoru Trojedne Kraljevine Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije za vrijeme Prvog svjetskog rata. Ilustrovani list izlazio je od 1914. do 1918. godine te je prvenstveno bio obiteljski zabavnik i prve ilustrirane novine na području Trojedne Kraljevine Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije. Razdoblje koje je obilježilo izdavanje ovog lista bio je Prvi svjetski rat. Rat je nastao kao posljedica polarizacije Europskog kontinenta na Trojni savez i sile Antante, a iskra koja je pokrenula rat dogodila se ubojstvom austrijskog prijestolonasljednika Franje Ferdinanda u Sarajevu. Ubojstvo prijestolonasljednika na području cijele Austro-Ugarske Monarhije pobudilo je demonstracije antisrpskog karaktera, a takve demonstracije nisu zaobišle ni hrvatske gradove. Austrougarskom objavom rata Srbiji, u cijeloj Monarhiji sprovodi se mobilizacija sposobnih muškaraca, a ta mobilizacija nije zaobišla ni Zagreb. Na ulicama Zagreba bilo je mnoštvo vojske, a unovačeni muškarci su nakon nekoliko tjedana obuke slani na bojište. Od početnog oduševljenja ratom, stanovništvo Zagreba i cijele Hrvatske ubrzo je shvatilo pravo lice rata. Dolaskom prvih ranjenika, slika o ratu se mijenja. O ranjenicima su se brinula razna humanitarna i dobrotvorna društva, a jedno od najpoznatijih bio je Crveni križ. Takva društva su s vremenom organizirala razne sakupljačke akcije kako bi skupili sredstva za pomoć najpotrebitijima. Na ulicama je vladalo veliko siromaštvo, a tijekom 1915. dolazi i do nestašice osnovnih životnih potrepština. Poginulih vojnika bilo je sve više, a mobilizirano stanovništvo u poslovima zamjenjuju ratni zarobljenici. Vicevi i karikature koji se nalaze u Ilustrovanom listu samo su pokazivali surovu ratnu realnost, koja je s vremenom postajala sve gora.
Abstract (english) Based on the newspaper Ilustrovani list as the primary source and other relevantliterature, the author presents the political, war and social events in Croatia during World War I. Ilustrovani list was published from 1914. to 1918. and was primarily a family entertainment newspaper and the first illustrated newspaper in Croatia. Considering the period of the publication, the First World War greatly influenced the content of the Ilustrovani List. The war was triggered by the polarization of the European countries into the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente, and the spark that ignited the war was the assassination of the Austrian heir to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, in Sarajevo. The assassination of the Archduke sparked anti-Serbian demonstrations throughout the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which did not exclude Croatian towns. The Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia led to the mobilization of conscripts throughout the Monarchy, including Zagreb. The streets of Zagreb were filled with the army, and after a few weeks, the conscripts were sent to the battlefield. From the initial enthusiasm for war, the population of Zagreb and the whole of Croatia faced the horrorsof war. The perception of the war changed with the arrival of the first wounded. They were cared for by many humanitarian and charitable organizations, of which the Red Cross was the best known. Over time, these associations organized various fundraising campaigns to raise money to help those most in need. Poverty reigned on the streets, and by 1915. there was a shortage of basic necessities. The number of casualties increased and prisoners of war replaced the mobilized population. The jokes and caricatures in the Ilustrovani list showed the harsh reality of the war, which worsened as the time went on.
Ilustrovani list
Prvi svjetski rat
atentat u Sarajevu
dobrotvorne udruge
Crveni križ
Keywords (english)
Ilustrovani list
World War I.
The Sarajevo assassination
the wounded
daily life
charitable associations
Red Cross
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:101155
Study programme Title: Department of History Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti (magistar/magistra povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-09-15 09:16:07