Title Socio-ekonomski aspekti sporta u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Socio - economic aspects of sport in Republic of Croatia
Author Antonela Popko
Mentor Petra Palić (mentor)
Committee member Filip Galović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miriam Mary Brgles (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Palić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Sociology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Sport je u današnje suvremeno doba postao jedan od najvažnijih društvenih fenomena. Integrirao se u sve pore društva; od medija, ekonomije, zdravstva, turizma, pa čak i gospodarstva. Sport više nije samo natjecateljska igra u kojoj je jedino bitno tko je pobjednik ili gubitnik. Štoviše, postao je biznis za sebe, odnosno sektor za sebe. Od kada su u sportu počeli kotirati milijunski iznosi i od kada su sportaši postali jedni od najbogatijih ljudi na svijetu, postalo je očito da je sport dosegnuo potpuno novu razinu. Danas je sport toliko populariziran da je u jednu ruku čak i izgubio dio svog značenja. Izgubio je dio igre, ali je dobio karakteristiku biznisa. Iako je sport danas iznimno razvijen te se iz dana u dan stvaraju novi vrhunski sportaši sa novim i jačim talentima ipak postoje veliki problemi koji se najviše odnose na sustav financiranja. Sukladno navedenome, ovaj istraživački rad odnosi se na prikupljanje podataka koji se tiču financiranja vrhunskih sportaša u Republici Hrvatskoj. U ovom istraživačkom radu koristila se kvalitativna metodologija, odnosno putem polu strukturiranih intervjua dolazilo se do podataka koji se odnose na društvene i ekonomske aspekte vrhunskih sportaša u Republici Hrvatskoj. Podaci su dobiveni od šest sudionika (vrhunskih sportaša) koji su dali uvide u svoje živote, navike i radne zadatke te su također dali svoje mišljenje o ekonomskom stanju sporta u Hrvatskoj, o problemima s kojima se svakodnevno susreću te o iznimno slaboj brizi institucija za sportaše. Kroz ovaj rad će biti prikazani svi problemi s kojima se sportaši susreću svakodnevno trenirajući sport koji vole u Hrvatskoj; prikazat će se realno stanje sporta te će se prikazati razvoj sporta od povijesti pa sve do danas. Navedeno će biti potkrepljeno relevantnim teorijama i radovima velikog broja sociologa, ekonomista i kineziologa.
Abstract (english) In today's modern times, sport has become one of the most important social phenomena. It has integrated itself into every pore of society, from the media, economy, health and tourism. Sport is no longer just a competitive game where the only thing that matters is who wins or loses. It has become a business unto itself, a sector unto itself. Ever since sports began to be quoted in multi-million dollar amounts and since athletes became some of the richest people in the world, it has become obvious that sports have reached a whole new level. Today, the sport is so popularized that in one hand it has even lost part of its meaning. He lost his part of the game but gained the characteristic of business. Although sport is extremely developed today and new top athletes with new and stronger talents are being created every day, there are still big problems that mostly relate to the financing system. Accordingly, this research work refers to the collection of data concerning the financing of top athletes in the Republic of Croatia. In this research work, qualitative methodology was used, that is, through semi-structured interviews, data related to the social and economic aspects of top athletes in the Republic of Croatia were obtained. The data was obtained from six participants (top athletes) who gave us an insight into their life, habits and work tasks and they gave their opinion on the economic state of sports in Croatia, on the problems they face every day and on the lack of care of institutions for athletes. This research will show all the problems that athletes face every day while training the sport they love in Croatia; the actual state of the sport will be shown and the development of the sport from history until today will be shown. The above will be supported by relevant theories and works of large number of sociologists, economists and kinesiologists.
život sportaša
državni proračun
Keywords (english)
the life of an athlete
state budget
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:323452
Study programme Title: Department of Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-10-10 11:14:17