Title Trendovi turističkog razvoja grada Dubrovnika
Title (english) Trends of Dubrovnik tourism development
Author Anja Gašić
Mentor Ana Portolan (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Pavlić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Puh (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2019-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Grad Dubrovnik (u nastavku Grad), a osobito njegova povijesna jezgra i prostor u njenoj neposrednoj blizini je već duţi niz godina na udaru povećanog interesa meĊunarodne turistiĉke potraţnje, kako stacionarne, tako i tranzitne (osobito posjetitelja s kruzera). Velika većina turistiĉkog prometa (iznad 70%) realizira se u ljetnim mjesecima (od lipnja do rujna), pa je sezonalnost glavno obiljeţje turizma na ĉitavom podruĉju Grada. Putnici u Gradu su turisti u hotelima i ostalim smještajnim
... More jedinicama, jednodnevni izletnici te putnici s brodova na kruţnom putovanju koji posebno naglašavaju sezonalnost jer dolaze većinom u ljetnim mjesecima, odreĊenim danima u tjednu s duljinom boravka od tek nekoliko sati. Zajedniĉko svim putnicima je ţelja za posjetom Staroj gradskoj jezgri što uzrokuje pritisak na cjelokupnu infrastrukturu uţeg gradskog podruĉja do granica odrţivosti. MeĊutim, u zimskim mjesecima mnogi hoteli visoke kategorije ne mogu ostvariti dugoroĉno pozitivne poslovne rezultat, odnosno ne mogu doseći svoj puni kapacitet. Sadašnji rastući trend turistiĉkog prometa osim na atrakciji Stare gradske jezgre dominantno se temelji na proizvodima sunca i mora što dodatno pojaĉava fenomen sezonalnosti. U ovom radu se na temelju statistiĉkih podataka uzetih iz TOMAS istraţivanja i sa internetske stranice Drţavnog zavoda za statistiku kao glavnih izvora informacija, nastoji pobliţe objasniti i analizirati glavni turistiĉki trendovi Grada. TOMAS istraţivanje pruţa dobru indikaciju kljuĉnih atrakcija zbog kojih gosti dolaze i borave u Gradu, kao i vaţne informacije o zadovoljstvu boravkom u destinaciji te ĉiniteljima koji utjeĉu na odabir Dubrovnika, a ne neke druge konkurentske destinacije. Grad, uvršten na UNESCO-ovu listu svjetske baštine, ima odliĉan marketing i prepoznatljivost, i gradi svoj turistiĉki identitet koji se iz godine u godinu nadopunjuje. Less
Abstract (english) The city of Dubrovnik, and especially its historical part and its immediate vicinity, has for a number of years been hit by the increasing interest of international tourist demand, both stationary and transitory (especially cruisers). The vast majority of Dubrovnik traffic, over 70%, is happening in the summer months of June to September, so seasonality is the main feature of tourism in the entire area of destination. Tourists of the city of Dubrovnik are hotel guests, guests in other
... More accommodation units, one-day excursions and cruise passengers which put a special emphasis on seasonality, as they come exclusively in the summer months, certain days of the week with a time of only a few hours. Common to all tourists is the desire to visit the Old City of Dubrovnik, which causes pressure on the entire infrastructure of the narrow urban area to the limits of sustainability. However, in the winter months, many high-class hotels can not achieve long-term positive business results. The current growing trend of tourist traffic, other than attractions in Old City, is predominantly based on sun and sea products which further enhances the phenomenon of seasonality. In this paper, based on the data collected from Tomas research and the Central Bureau of Statistics, we are trying to explain and analyze the main tourist trends of the city of Dubrovnik. Tomas research provides a good indication of the key actors for coming and staying in Dubrovnik, as well as important information about the satisfaction of staying at the destination and the factors that influence the choice of Dubrovnik, and not some other competitive destinations. Considering that city of Dubrovnik is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, it has good marketing and recognition and his tourist identity is complemented year by year. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:023894
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Public note 4054
Created on 2019-10-21 09:33:14