Title Obilježja ličnosti i ponašanje potrošača
Title (english) Situational Factors and Consumer Behaviour
Author Anđela Obad
Mentor Ivana Pavlić (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Puh (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Portolan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2019-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Kombinacijom vlastitih misli, riječi, postupaka i načina na koji sve to rade, potrošači kreiraju vlastiti karakter i na temelju njih može se vidjeti prava slika obilježja ličnosti koja formira svaku osobu. Osobni čimbenici kao što su percepcija, stavovi, znanje, motivi i obilježja, vrijednosti i stil života su zapravo čimbenici koji najviše utječu na čovjeka kada je u ulozi potrošača prilikom kupnje. Zašto su neki pojedinci prilikom same pomisli na online kupnje potpuno zatvoreni i negativni dok drugi možda čak i previše preferiraju online kupnju? Zašto i hoće li ekstroverti ili otvoreni tipovi ljudi biti pod utjecajem promocije i tako kupiti proizvod koji im se nudi? Hoće li želja za samodokazivanjem utjecati na određeni tip ljudi da pretjeraju u kupnji proizvoda koji „hrani njihov ego“? Hoće li i kako id utjecati na potrošačevu percepciju proizvoda prilikom prvog pogleda na oglas, ili će pak superego preuzeti zaštitnu ulogu prilikom kupnje? Sve su to pitanja na koja marketinški stručnjaci pokušavaju pronaći odgovor da bi se što bolje pripremili za tržište i stali kao pravi lideri. Brojna istraživanja su provedena u svrhu proučavanja tipova osobina ličnosti potrošača. Također, provedena su brojna medicinska istraživanja koja su dokazala i određenu genetsku povezanost s ljudskim stavovima. Da bi se pobliže objasnila povezanost online kupnje s tipovima, osobinama i ličnostima ljudi, u ovom djelu analizirani su čimbenici, i teorije ličnosti, te je proveden empirijski dio rada u kojem je proveden anketni upitnik obilježja ličnosti i ponašanja potrošača.
Abstract (english) Often we are unaware of the importance of our own thoughts, words, procedures, and the way we do it all. By the combination of the above-mentioned actions, we create our own character and on the basis of them we can see the real image of the personality traits that form each person. Personal factors such as perception, attitudes, knowledge, motives, features, values, and lifestyles are actually one of the factors that most affect a person as a consumer when buying a product. Why are some individuals thinking about buying online completely and negatively while others might even prefer online shopping? Why and whether extrovert or open types of people will fall before the impact of marketing promotion and thus buy the product they are offered? Will the desire for self-determination affect a certain type of people to over-buy products that "feed their ego"? Will it also affect how the consumer perceives the product when viewing the first ad, or will the superego take on a protective role when purchasing it? All these are answers to which marketing experts are trying to find the answer to better prepare for the market and stand on its stage as real leaders. Numerous studies have been carried out to study types of personality traits. Also, numerous medical studies have been carried out that have demonstrated a certain genetic connection with human attitudes. In order to explain the connection of online purchases with the types, characteristics and personalities of people, the factors, theories and the empirical part of the questionnaire were analyzed in this work.
Obilježja ličnosti
Keywords (english)
personality traits
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:102612
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Public note 4062
Created on 2019-10-22 10:22:42