Title "Mogućnosti uzgoja rakova u Hrvatskoj"
Title (english) "Potentiality for crustacean farming in Croatia"
Author Tea Rukavina
Mentor Marijana Pećarević (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Pećarević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Applied Ecology) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2019-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology Biology
Abstract Uzgoj u akvakulturi može biti ekstenzivan, poluintenzivan, intenzivan i superintenzivan. U ovom radu opisane su superintenzivne metode uzgoja rakova koje bi bilo moguće primijeniti u Hrvatskoj. Mogućnosti uzgoja rakova u Hrvatskoj, ovise o izboru vrste i metodama koje se mogu koristiti. Ekstenzivne metode uzgoja nisu pogodne za našu klimu pa bi se mogle koristiti superintenzivne metode uzgoja. Recirkulacijski akvakulturni sustav (RAS) je superintenzivna metoda koja se temelji na recirkulaciji vode između proizvodne jedinice i modula za obradu pri čemu se kontroliraju svi parametri vode, koristi se umjetna hrana, nasadne gustoće su vrlo visoke, a potreba za vodom i zemljištem smanjena. Sustavi su u zatvorenim prostorima stoga ne moraju biti u blizini mora ili rijeka nego mogu biti u unutrašnjosti. Recirkulacijski sustavi za uzgoj rakova mogu biti clear – water (CW) ili biofloc (BF). U CW sustavu provodi se mehanička i biološka filtracija i strogo se kontrolira kvaliteta i čistoća vode. U BF sustavima se potiče pretvaranje potencijalno štetnih organskih tvari u potrošnu biomasu i nema filtracije, ali aeracija mora biti iznimno dobra. Jedna od novijih metoda u uzgoju rakova je primjena Aquamimicry, tj. simulacija prirodnih uvjeta estuarija stvaranjem zooplanktona kao dodatne hrane i obogaćivanjem vode korisnim bakterijama. U Hrvatskoj još nije bilo pokušaja uzgoja rakova za komercijalne svrhe nego samo uzgoj s ciljem obnove populacija autohtonih vrsta. Uz to, za pokretanje uzgajališta rakova u Hrvatskoj bilo bi potrebno ishodovati niz dozvola s obzirom da je uzgoj isplativ iskljujčivo za vrste koje nisu autohtone, pa bi to predstavljalo dodatan izazov.
Abstract (english) Aquaculture can be extensive, semi-intensive, intensive and super-intensive. This paper describes super-intensive crustacean farming methods that could be applied in Croatia. Crab farming opportunities in Croatia depend on the choice of species and methods that can be used. Extensive farming methods are not suitable for our climate, so super-intensive breeding methods could be used. The aquaculture recirculation system (RAS) is a super-intensive method based on the recirculation of water between the production unit and the treatment module, controlling all water parameters, using artificial food, planting densities very high and the need for water and soil reduced. The systems are indoors, so they do not have to be near the sea or rivers, but can be inland. Recirculation systems for crab farming can be clear-water (CW) or biofloc (BF). In the CW system, mechanical and biological filtration is carried out and water quality and purity are strictly controlled. The conversion of potentially harmful organic substances into consumable biomass is encouraged in BF systems and there is no filtration, but the aeration must be extremely good. One of the newer methods in farming crabs is the use of Aquamimicry, that is, simulating the natural conditions of estuaries by creating zooplankton as supplementary food and enriching the water with beneficial bacteria. In Croatia, no attempt has yet been made to breed crabs for commercial purposes, but only breeding with the aim of restoring populations of native species. In addition, a number of licenses would have to be obtained to start a crab farm in Croatia, since breeding is only cost-effective for non-indigenous species, which would pose an additional challenge.
recirkulacijski akvakulturni sustav
clear – water
Keywords (english)
the aquaculture recirculation system
clear – water
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:472083
Study programme Title: Aquaculture Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka akvakulture (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka akvakulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-02-04 10:44:21