Title "Uloga kompresije u terapiji kronične venske bolesti"
Title (english) "The role of compression therapy in chronic venous disease"
Author Marija Vijolić-Hilić
Mentor Ana Bakija Konsuo (mentor)
Committee member Marko Margaritoni (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Zoranić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Bakija Konsuo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (The study of Nursing and Clinical Nursing) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2020-02-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Kronična venska bolest najčešći je poremećaj venskog sustava (oko 75% slučajeva).
Većina kroničnih rana na koži, kod bolesnika izaziva zabrinutost i strah što dovodi do
morbiditeta i smanjenja kvalitete života. S obzirom na relativnu dugotrajnost liječenja, velike
finacijske troškove, kao i upitan učinak terapijskih mjera na visoku učestalost recidiva,
predstavlja značajan zdravstveni, socijalni i ekonomski problem u svijetu.
Kod uspostavljanja dijagnoze, liječenja te same terapije, potreban je multidisciplinarni pristup
raznih grana medicine i poznavanje patofiziologije kroničnih bolesti te svih entiteta koji bi
mogli rezultirati što boljim terapijskim ishodom.
„Zlatni standard“ u liječenju kronične venske bolesti i venskog vrijeda je kompresijska
terapija, a multidisciplinarnim pristupom postižemo maksimalan terapijski učinak.
Kompresijska terapija je jednostavna i učinkovita konzervativna metoda u liječenju venskog
vrijeda. Za pravilan odabir kompresije važno je poznavanje vrsta kompresije, kao i njihovih
osobitosti te mogućnosti prilagodbe prema stanju bolesnika. Stopa ozdravljena uz primjenu
kompresivne terapije je visoka (70% vrijedova sanira u razdoblju od 3 do 6 mjeseci), a što
znatno utječe i na troškove liječenja kao i samu kvalitetu života bolesnika.
U ovom diplomskom radu prikazati će se klasifikacija i klinička slika kronične venske
bolesti, sa posebnim naglaskom na ulogu i praktičnu primjenu kompresije s obzirom na
činjenicu da je pravilna primjena kompresije siguran put prema cijeljenju rana, a pravilna
primjena iste zahtjeva znanje i spretnost.
Abstract (english) Chronic vein disease is the most common disorder of the venous system (about 75% of
Most chronic skin wounds cause anxiety and fear in patients, leading to morbidity and
reduced quality of life. Given the relative length of treatment, the high financial costs, as well
as the questionable impact of therapeutic measures on the high incidence of relapse, it is a
significant health, social and economic problem in the world.
Establishing a diagnosis, treatment, and therapy itself requires a multidisciplinary approach to
various branches of medicine and knowledge of the pathophysiology of chronic diseases and
of all entities that could result in the best possible therapeutic outcome.
"Gold standard" in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and venous insufficiency
iscompression therapy, and with a multidisciplinary approach we achieve maximum
therapeutic effect.Compression therapy is a simple and effective conservative method in the
treatment of venous disease. Knowing the types of compression as well as their peculiarities
and the ability to adapt to the patient's condition is important for the proper selection of
compression.The rate of recovery with the use of compression therapy is high (70% of
sanitizers in the period from 3 to 6 months), which significantly affects the cost of treatment
and the quality of life of the patient.
This graduate thesis will present the classification and clinical picture of chronic venous
disease, risk factors and modern therapy with special emphasis on the role and practical
application of compression, given that the proper application of compression is a safe route to wound healing, and the proper application of the same requires knowledge and dexterity.
kronična venska bolest
kronična rana
kompresivna terapija
multidisciplinarni pristup
Keywords (english)
chronic venous disease
chronic wound
compression therapy
multidisciplinary approach
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:482827
Study programme Title: Clinical Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: diplomirani medicinski tehničar (diplomirani medicinski tehničar)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-03-04 10:17:13