Title Raznolikost retuša na papirnom nosiocu
Title (english) Diversity of Retouching Techniques on Paper
Author Lucija Fišter
Mentor Iris Lobaš Kukavičić (mentor)
Mentor Sanja Serhatlić (komentor)
Committee member Iris Lobaš Kukavičić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Serhatlić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Jemo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Art and Restoration) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Conservation and Restoration
Abstract Ovaj rad bavi se posebnostima tehnike retuširanja unutar konzervatorsko-restauratorske struke, a poseban naglasak stavljen je na specifiĉnosti vezane za retuš koji se izvodi na papirnom nosiocu. Rad je podijeljen na devet poglavlja od kojih sedam poglavlja obuhvaća razradu teme rada, a osmo i deveto poglavlje ukljuĉuje popis literature i popis slika i tablica. Nakon uvoda, koji ukratko objašnjava definiciju retuša, slijedi detaljniji uvid u problematiku. U drugom poglavlju tehnika retuša stavlja se u povijesni kontekst i pobliţe istraţuje razvitak retuša na papiru. Treće poglavlje definira etiĉka naĉela retuša toĉnije reverzibilnost, falsifikacija, minimalnost retuša, a ĉetvrto se bavi retušem u praksi, najĉešće korištenim materijalima i konkretnim problemima s kojima se konzervatori-restauratori najviše susreću tijekom procesa. Peto poglavlje razraĊuje sliĉnosti i razlike izmeĊu pristupa retušu na papiru i slikama na platnu i posebnosti retuša na arhivskom materijalu i knjigama. Za ovaj rad odraĊeno je konzerviranje i restauriranje umjetnine izvedene gvaš tehnikom na papiru koja je opisana u šestom poglavlju. Opisani su svi provedeni koraci konzerviranja-restauriranja s posebnim naglaskom na izvoĊenju retuša umjetnine. Za cijeli proces izraĊena je i uvrštena u rad detaljna foto dokumentacija. Tematski dio rada završen je zakljuĉkom u osmom poglavlju.
Abstract (english) This paper covers specificity of retouching techiniques inside the conservation and restoration profession, with a special emphasis on retouching techniques that are performed on paper. The paper is divided into nine chapters of which seven chapters cover elaboration of the subject and eighth and ninth chapter include bibliography and a list of images and tables. After an introduction, which summarises the definition of retouching, follows a detailed insight into the problem. Second chapter elaborates a historical context of retouching and closely examines a development of retouching on paper through history. Third chapter defines ethical principles namely reversibility, falsification, minimal intervention and fourth chapter deals with practice of retouching, common materials used for retouching and specific problems that appear during the process. Fifth chapter elaborates smilarities and differences between retouching of works of art on paper and on canvas and also covers specifc nature of retouching of archival material and books. For this paper conservation and restoration work was done on the gouache painting made on paper support which is described in the sixth chapter. All the steps of conservation and restoration carried out are described with a special emphasis on the execution of retouching on the work of art. Detailed photodocumentation of the whole process is made and included in the paper. Thematic part of the paper ends with a conclusion.
minimalnost zahvata
konzervacija-restauracija papira
Keywords (english)
minimal intervention
conservation and restoration of paper
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:853631
Study programme Title: Conservation - Restoration: Wood, Paper, Textiles, Metals and Ceramics; specializations in: Wood, Paper, Textile, Metal, Ceramics Course: Paper Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra restauracije i konzervacije (magistar/magistra restauracije i konzervacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-10-13 09:15:15