Title Uloga glampinga u oporavku turizma nakon COVID-19 pandemije
Title (english) The role of Glamping in the Recovery of Tourism after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author Helena Obuljen
Mentor Ana Portolan (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Puh (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Pavlić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-06-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Kamping turizam poznat je kao jedan od najstarijih posebnih oblika turizma. Razvojem turizma, turističke ponude i potražnje, kamping turizam postaje osnova za razvoj glamping turizma, spoja prirode i luksuza. Trend glamping turizma, lako prilagodljivog svim segmentima potražnje zbog povezanosti opuštanja u prirodi i luksuza sa zabavom, sportom, avanturom i kulturom, prve u Europi su prepoznale Francuska, Portugal i Slovenija. Ovaj oblik turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj (u daljnjem tekstu RH)
... More razvio se dosta kasnije nego u ostatku Europe. Duž obale RH velikom brzinom se razvio zadnjih godina te je privukao veliki broj novih potrošača. Istarska županija posebno se izdvojila širokom glamping ponudom i privlačenjem novih turističkih segmenata. Glamping turizam podržava razvoj održivog turizma i sve komponente održivog razvoja te samim tim privlači turiste koji imaju pozitivno razmišljanje o destinacijskoj održivosti. Odmicanjem od 3S turizma ima potencijal razviti se na cijelom teritoriju RH. Poštuje zelene površine i održava ih te zadovoljava potrebe različitih segmenata turističkih potrošača. Upravo zbog navedenih činjenica glamping bi mogao postati glavni oblik turizma putem kojeg će se RH oporaviti od pandemije. Pandemija je brojne naučila koju moć ima priroda te na koje načine se može iskoristiti. Osim što glamping zadovoljava uvjete socijalne distance od nepoznatih ljudi, boravka na svježem zraku te psihičkog odmora, može zadovoljiti potrebe svih generacija i segmenta turista. Također, sve je veći broj turista koji podržavaju razvoj održivosti, a obzirom da glamping poštuje sve komponente održivog turizma predstavlja dodatan pozitivni učinak na percepciju turista o boravku u prirodi u luksuznim uvjetima. Less
Abstract (english) Camping tourism is known as one of the oldest special forms of tourism. With the development of tourism, it’s supply and demand, camping tourism becomes the basis for the development of glamping tourism, a combination of nature and luxury. France, Portugal and Slovenia were the first countries in Europe who recognized the trend of glamping tourism because of its ability to easily adapt to all segments of demand due to its coherency among relaxation in nature and luxury with
... More entertainment, sports, adventure and culture. This form of tourism in the Republic of Croatia developed much later than in the rest of Europe. In recent years, it has developed rapidly along the coast of Croatia and has attracted a large number of new consumers. The Istria County stood out with its wide glamping offer and attraction of new tourist segments. Glamping tourism supports the development of sustainable tourism and all components of sustainable development and therefore attracts tourists who have a positive mindset about destination sustainability. By moving away from 3S tourism, this form of tourism has the potential to develop on the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia. It respects and maintains green areas and meets the needs of different segments of tourist consumers. Precisely because of these facts, glamping could become the main form of tourism through which Croatia will recover from the pandemic. The pandemic has taught many of us what power nature has and how it can be used. Apart from the fact that glamping satisfies the conditions of social distance, staying in the fresh air and mental rest, it can satisfy the needs of all generations and segments of tourists. Also, an increasing number of tourists support the development of sustainability, and since glamping respects all components of sustainable tourism, it represents an additional positive effect on the perception of tourists about staying in nature in luxurious conditions. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:249261
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Public note 4202
Created on 2021-06-17 10:50:40