Title Metode internog marketinga u hotelskim poduzećima
Title (english) Methods of Implementation of Internal Marketing in Hotel Companies
Author Karmen Kordić
Mentor Iris Mihajlović (mentor)
Committee member Katija Vojvodić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zorica Krželj Čolović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-06-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U današnjem svijetu poduzeća se suočavaju sa sve većim brojem konkurenata uz jako brzi napredak tehnologije i načinu promocije samog poduzeća. Da bi poduzeće što brže i bolje prestiglo konkurenciju, nije dovoljno samo ulagati u korisnike, već veliku pažnju treba posvetiti i samim zaposlenicima.
Uz razne metode internog marketinga poduzeće pokušava zadržati najbolje zaposlenike. Interni marketing omogućava zaposlenicima da međusobno bolje komuniciraju i uspješnije obavljaju radne zadatke. Uz godine proučavanja i usavršavanja internog marketinga, još uvijek se ne može sa sigurnošću utvrditi koliko uspješno interni marketing djeluje na pojedino poduzeće.
U hotelijerstvu je od izuzetnog značenja ljudski rad. Zadovoljstvo korisnika, koje utječe na uspješnost poslovanja hotela, ovisi od usluge koju su im pružili zaposlenici hotela. Samo zadovoljan, motiviran, nagrađivan zaposlenik može biti uspješan zaposlenik koji doprinosi ispunjenju ciljeva poduzeća. Oblici nagrađivanja sukladni su mogućnostima, a brojna istraživanja govore u prilog i o eksternim činiteljima koji definiraju uspješnost a tiču se procjene efikasnosti, veličine poduzeća (broj zaposlenika, promet), karaktera poduzeća s obzirom na predmet razmjene, tržišne pozicije i prepoznatljivosti.
U sadržaju rada naglasak je na teoretskom pristupu internog marketinga i njegovih dimenzija koje se kritički analiziraju u prvom dijelu rada kroz stavove teoretičara iz domene menadžmenta upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima, a u drugom dijelu rada doprinos je sadržan u rezultatima sekundarnih istraživanja i primarnog istraživanja vezanog uz provedbu dimenzija internog marketinga u internoj okolini hotelskih poduzeća, raščlambi pojedinih modaliteta oblika motiviranja i snazi koju ono ima.
Abstract (english) With the advance of technology and ways of self-promotion nowadays companies are facing more and more competitors. For a company to outperform the competition, it is not enough to invest only in users,but they need to pay attention to their employees too.
Using various methods of internal marketing companies are trying to keep their best employees. Internal marketing allows employees to communicate better with each other and perform work tasks more efficiently. In spite of years of studying and improving internal marketing, we still can't say how successfully internal marketing affects a specific companies.
In hotel management human labor is of extraordinary importance. Customer satisfaction, which affects hotel's business performance, depends on the service that hotel employees have offered them. Only a satisfied, motivated, rewarded employee can be a successful employee who contributes to the goals of the company. Forms of rewarding are commensurate with the possibilities of the company, many researches speak in favor of external factors which define performance and concern efficiency assessment, size of the company(number of employees, profit), the character of the company with regard to the subject of the exchange, market position and recognizability.
In the content of this work accent is put on theoretical approach to internal marketing and his dimensions which are critically analyzed in the first part of work through attitude of the theorist from the domain of human resource management, in the second part of the work the contribution is made in the form of secondary research and primary research connected with implementation of internal marketing dimensions in internal hotel surroundings, the analysis of individual modalities of the form of motivation and power it has.
interni marketing
zadovoljstvo zaposlenika
Keywords (english)
internal marketing
employee satisfaction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:772613
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Public note 4204
Created on 2021-06-17 11:38:05