Title Tehnike medijske manipulacije i persuazije
Title (english) Techniques of Media Manipulation and Persuasion
Author Ana Vatović
Mentor Ivana Pavlić (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Puh (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Portolan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Obilje proizvoda koje je donijela industrijska revolucija i potreba za njihovim transportom do većeg broja ljudi bila je važna prekretnica u formiranju današnjeg oglašivačkog prostora. Manipulatori se često oslanjaju na brzinu i sveprisutnost društvenih medija, što je ubrzalo tempo vijesti, kako bi omogućili široku distribuciju uvjeravajućih informacija. Manipulacijske kampanje planiraju se i izvode na više online platformi istodobno u nastojanju da privuku široku publiku.
Predmet diplomskog
... More rada su manipulativne tehnike koje koriste oglašivačke industrije za postizanje određene koristi. Nastoji se „otrovnim“ porukama promijeniti potrošačev stav ili mišljenje. Manipulativnim tehnikama se danas služi masovno, u usporedbi s 1990.-tim godinama, mnogi stručnjaci krive ekstreman tehnološki rast. Svrha završnog rada jest prikazati utjecaj manipulativnih tehnika na ponašanje potrošača, što utječe na kupnju proizvoda te kako oni reagiraju na navedene tehnike. Cilj ovog rada jest analizirati obilježja ponašanja potrošača te dokazati kako potrošač reagira na manipulativne tehnike, te dati jasne odgovore utječu li takve tehnike pozitivno na kupnju određenog proizvoda ili ne. U radu se primjenjuju standardne i provjerene metode kojima se koristi znanstveno istraživanje. Na osnovu sekundarnog istraživanja, koje je potpora mišljenjima i spoznajama, napravljena je analiza slučaja. U navedenoj analizi obrađeno je nekoliko primjera manipulativnih tehnika pomoću metoda analize, deskripcije te sinteze, međutim za dublju analizu samog slučaja je potrebno napraviti primarno istraživanje uz sekundarno istraživanje kako bi rezultati bili što relevantniji.
Na samom kraju rada donesen je zaključak gdje oglašavanjem svojih proizvoda, poslovni subjekti manipuliraju svojim potencijalnim kupcima tako da potiču tu istu publiku na stvaranje neistinitih uvjerenja. Pitanje je treba li se zabrinuti što svijet čeka kada tehnologija bude odmicala od današnjeg stanja, te kakva će onda vrsta promocije postojati. Less
Abstract (english) The abundance of products brought about by the industrial revolution and the need to transport them to a large number of people were an important milestone in the creation of today's advertising space. Manipulators often rely on the speed and ubiquitous presence of social media, prompting the pace of news to allow a widespread distribution of persuasive inflation. Manipulation campaigns are planned and run on several online platforms at the same time in an effort to attract a wide
... More audience.
The final work is subject to manipulative techniques used by advertising industries to achieve certain benefits. The aim is to change the consumer's position or opinion by using “poisonous” messages. Manipulative techniques are used mass today, compared to the 1990 s, many experts blame extreme technological growth. The purpose of the final paper is to present the impact of manipulative techniques on consumer behaviour, which influences the purchase of products and how they react to these techniques. The aim of this paper is to analyse characteristics of consumer behaviour and to prove how the consumer responds to manipulative techniques, and to provide clear answers as to whether such techniques positively affect the purchase of a particular product or not. Standard and tested methods used for scientific research are used in this paper. Based on secondary research, which is support for opinions and findings, case analysis was made. Several examples of manipulative techniques are dealt with in the mentioned analysis using methods of analysis, descriptiveness and synthesis, but for a deeper analysis of the case it is necessary to perform a primary study with secondary research in order to make the results as relevant as possible.
At the very end of the paper, the conclusion was reached where by advertising their products, business entities manipulate their potential customers in such a way that they encourage the same audience to create false beliefs. The question is whether one should worry about what the world is waiting for when technology moves away from the present situation, and what kind of promotion will exist. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:598770
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Public note 4259
Created on 2021-09-29 10:02:54