Title Ivan Gundulić pjesnik slobode i prolaznosti
Title (english) Ivan Gundulić poet of freedom and transience
Author Mario Bagoje
Mentor Katja Bakija (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Obradović Mojaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasenka Maslek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Katja Bakija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (The study of History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Kroz analizu odabranih djela velikog dubrovačkog i hrvatskog baroknog književnika Ivana Gundulića ukazuje sa na važnost konteksta vremena u kojem je živio i stvarao. Istražuju se poveznice između zbiljskih okolnosti i događanja toga doba (prva četvrtina 17. st.) i Gundulićeva imaginarnog svijeta predstavljenog u njegova tri glavna književna djela. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi koja su povijesna zbivanja Gunduliću bila motiv i inspiracija, a koje duhovne vrijednosti moralni poticaj pisanju ovih djela. Želja je ukazati na Gundulića kao na pjesnika univerzalnih tema i autora čija su djela u samom vrhu europske barokne književnosti.
Gundulić se dotiče dvije velike teme baroka i svekolike književnosti – teme slobode i teme prolaznosti. Njegova djela Suze sina razmetnoga, Dubravka i Osman, nastala u kasnijem razdoblju njegova stvaralaštva, predstavljaju vrhunac baroknog oblikovanja književnog teksta, a ujedno ih možemo smatrati stilskim remek-djelima hrvatske književnosti uopće. Odabranim djelima Ivana Gundulića pristupa se kroz povijest nastanka tih djela. Prije samog prikazivanja djela, slijedi osvrt na povijesno razdoblje u kojem su nastala te na specifične političke, gospodarske, vjerske i društvene prilike u Dubrovniku u Gundulićevo doba koje su mogle utjecati na njega.
Ivan Gundulić se predstavlja kao čovjek svoga vremena, koji živi, djeluje i piše pod utjecajem baroknih svjetonazora, društveno-moralnih vrijednosti katoličke obnove (protureformacije) i identitetske koncepcije „slovinstva“. Poseban osvrt je na Gundulićevo stvaralaštvo u kontekstu naizgled suprotstavljenih političkih ideja o odnosu Dubrovnika naspram Osmanskom Carstvu, koje su u prvoj polovici 17. stoljeća stvorile razdor i podjele među dubrovačkom vlastelom.
Abstract (english) Through the analysis of the selected works of great Dubrovnik and Croatian baroque writer Ivan Gundulić, the attention is drawn to the importance of the time context in which he lived and created. We explore the connection between the actual circumstances and events that marked that age(the first quarter of the 17. century) and Gundulić's imaginary world represented in the three of his most important pieces. The aim of the research is to determine which historical processes served as motive and inspiration, and which spiritual values were the moral basis for the writing of his works. Gundulić is presented as a writer of universal themes and as an author whose works are at the culprit of European baroque literature.
Gundulić touches two great baroque themes: freedom and transiety.His main literaryworks,“Dubravka”, “Osman” and “Tears of Prodigal Son”, created in the later period of his literary career represent the highest form of baroque literary expressionas well as being masterpieces of Croatian literature in general. Selected works of Ivan Gundulić are approached through the context of their creation. Before the piece is analyzed, historical background is exposed as to determine specific political, economic, religious, and social conditions of Gundulić’s era Dubrovnik that might have influenced him.
Ivan Gundulić represents a man of his time, who lives, thinks, and writes within the baroque mindset, social and moral values of catholic counter-reformation and the identity concept of early panslavism (called “slovinism” by the contemporaries). Special insight will be made to the context of seemingly contrasted political ideas on the relationship between Dubrovnik and the Ottoman Empire that in the first half of the 17. century created division between the Dubrovnik patricians.
Ivan Gundulić
Dubrovačka Republika
Suze sina razmetnoga
„Velika zavjera“
Keywords (english)
Ivan Gundulić
Dubrovnik Republic
Tears of the Prodigal Son
Great conspiracy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:532566
Study programme Title: History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-09-30 07:46:51