Title Stilske i tehnološke karakteristike historicističke kredence
Title (english) Stylistic and Technical Characteristics of the Historicism Credenza
Author Sara Stevanović
Mentor Sanja Žaja Vrbica (mentor)
Mentor Alma Dilberović (komentor)
Committee member Sanja Žaja Vrbica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alma Dilberović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Brković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Department of Art and Restoration) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Conservation and Restoration
Abstract Diplomski rad na temu Stilske i tehnološke karakteristike historicističke kredence sastoji se od teorijskog i praktičnog dijela. Teorijski dio rada predstavlja osvrt na samu povijest i nastanak historicizma u društvenom, a zatim i umjetničkom kontekstu; na okolnosti razvoja neostilskog pokućstva tijekom 19. stoljeća uvjetovanog naglim porastom industrijske proizvodnje s jedne, i romantičarskog te pasatističkog pokreta s druge strane, kao i na odnos navedenih dvaju tendencija koje imaju direktan utjecaj u razvoju historicističkog pokreta. Kao najvažniji element predstavljen je prijelaz s ručne proizvodnje na industrijsku i njegov utjecaj u smislu promjena načina izrade namještaja koji se najviše očituje na predmetima iz stilskog razdoblja historicizma. Potom je razrađena tema historicizma koja obuhvaća osnovne stilske i tehnološke karakteristike, elemente i usporedbu elementa drugih stilova u cilju lakšeg prepoznavanja stilova namještaja. Praktični dio rada predstavlja vizualnu analizu sačuvanog komada namještaja koji je dostupan u depou Odjela za umjetnost i restauraciju. Praktični dio rada obuhvaća vizualnu analizu, izradu crteža konstrukcijskih i estetskih rješenja namještaja historicizma te zaključak o vrstama materijala i tehnici izrade. Pod tim se podrazumijevaju vrste i način slaganja furnira, izrada arhitektonskih dekorativnih elemenata, zamjenski materijali koji se koriste u obradi predmeta i završne obrade koje dominiraju u produkciji namještaja historicizma. U cilju lakšeg rješavanja problema i oštećenja u konzervatorsko-restauratorskoj struci predstavljeni su najčešći problemi s kojim se konzervator-restaurator može susresti prilikom restauracije namještaja historicizma.
Abstract (english) The master thesis on Stylistic and technical characteristics of the historicism credenza includes theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the paper represents a review of history itself and the emergence of historicism in a social and then artistic context; on the circumstance of the development of neo-stylistic household during the 19th century caused by rapid industrial production development on the one hand and the Romantic and Passatist movement on the other; the relation of these two tendencies which have a direct influance in the development of the historicist movement. The main represented element is the transition from manual to industrial production and its impact in terms of changes in the furniture production, which showes the best on pieces from stylisic period of historicism. Then, the topic of historicism is elaborated, which includes basic stylistics and technical characteristics in order to facilitate the recognition of furniture styles. The practical part of the paper is a visual analysis of a preserved piece of furniture that is available in the depot of the Department of Art and Restoration. Practical part includes visual analysis, making drawings of structural and aesthetic solution of the historicism furniture and a conclusion about the types of materials and production techniques. This includes the types and manner of stacking veneer, the production of architectural decorative elements, the substitute materials used in the treatment of objects and the finishing touches that dominate the production of historicism furniture. In order to facilitate the solution of problems and damage in the conservation-restaoration profession, the most common problems that a conservator-restorer may encounter during the restoration of the historicism furniture are presented.
industrijska proizvodnja
Keywords (english)
industrial production
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:868641
Study programme Title: Conservation - Restoration: Wood, Paper, Textiles, Metals and Ceramics; specializations in: Wood, Paper, Textile, Metal, Ceramics Course: Wood Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra konzervacije i restauracije (magistar/magistra konzervacije i restauracije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-07 08:04:48