Title "Karcinomi štitnjače dijagnosticirani u Općoj bolnici Dubrovnik u desetogodišnjem razdoblju"
Title (english) "Thyroid cancers diagnosed in the General Hospital Dubrovnik in a 10-years period"
Author Petra Radaić
Mentor Velibor Puzović (mentor)
Committee member Dragutin Petković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanda Tešanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Velibor Puzović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (The study of Nursing and Clinical Nursing) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract Štitnjača je endokrini organ smješten u prednjem dijelu vrata, leptirastog je izgleda. Sastoji se od dva režnja koja su međusobno spojena isthmusom. Novotvorine štitnjače najčešći su endokrini tumori u ljudskom tijelu. Najčešće su epitelnog podrijetla. Od zloćudnih tumora, karcinom štitnjače je najčešći. Češće se javlja u žena. Zloćudni karcinomi štitnjače mogu biti dobro i slabo diferencirani (zreli i nezreli). Među dobro diferencirane karcinome štitnjače ubrajamo papilarni i folikularni, a u nezrele medularni i anaplastični karcinom. Sustav TNM klasifikacije je široko prihvaćen, preporučen za izvješća, prognozu ishoda bolesti, usporedbu različitih načina liječenja između skupina sličnih slučajeva karcinoma i kao vodič u liječenju bolesnika s karcinomom štitnjače. Postavljanje dijagnoze karcinoma štitnjače uključuje anamnezu, fizikalni pregled, laboratorijsku, radiološku, citološku i patohistološku dijagnostiku te scintigrafiju štitnjače. U liječenju karcinoma štitnjače, totalna tireoidektomija s prednjom disekcijom vrata je kirurška metoda izbora. Nakon toga se često radi postoperacijska scintigrafija cijelog tijela s radioaktivnim jodom 131.
U završnom radu obrađeni su patološki nalazi ispitanika kojima je dijagnosticiran karcinom štitnjače u razdoblju od 2010. do 2019. godine u Općoj bolnici Dubrovnik. Korištena je računalna baza patohistoloških nalaza Odjela za patologiju i citologiju Opće bolnice Dubrovnik. Analizirali su se životna dob, spol, histološki tipovi karcinoma štitnjače i njihova veličina, širenje tumora izvan štitnjače, limfovaskularna invazija, TNM klasifikacija i drugi dostupni prognostički čimbenici. U promatranom razdoblju je kod 81 pacijenta postavljena dijagnoza karcinoma štitnjače, od čega je bilo više žena, njih 60. Najčešći histološki tip karcinoma je papilarni. Najviše dijagnosticiranih karcinoma štitnjače bilo je 2010. godine (14 slučajeva). U većine pacijenata karcinom je bio ograničen na štitnjaču.
Abstract (english) The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ located in the front of the neck, it is butterfly-shaped. It consists of two lobes connected by an isthmus. Thyroid neoplasms are the most common endocrine tumors in the human body. They are most often of epithelial origin. Of the malignant tumors, thyroid carcinoma is the most common. It is more common in women. Thyroid carcinomas can be well and poorly differentiated (mature and immature). Well-differentiated include papillary and follicular carcinomas. Among the immature thyroid carcinomas are medullary and anaplastic types. The TNM system is widely accepted, recommended for reports, the prognosis of disease, comparison of different treatments between groups of similar cancer cases, and as a treatment guide for patients with thyroid cancer. The diagnosis of thyroid cancer includes medical history, physical examination, laboratory and radiological diagnosis, cytology, pathohistology and thyroid scintigraphy. In the treatment of thyroid cancer, total thyroidectomy with anterior neck dissection is the surgical method of choice. After the procedure, postoperative scintigraphy of the whole body with radioactive iodine 131 is often performed.
The undergraduate thesis deals with the pathological findings of the subjects who were diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma in the period from 2010 to 2019 at the General Hospital Dubrovnik. The computer database of pathohistological findings of the Department of Pathology and Cytology of the Dubrovnik General Hospital was used. Age, sex, histological types of thyroid cancer and their size, the spread of tumors outside the thyroid gland, lymphovascular invasion, TNM classification, and other available prognostic factors were analyzed. In 10 years, 81 patients were diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma, and 60 of them were female patients. The most common histological type of carcinoma was papillary. The highest number of diagnosed thyroid cancers was in 2010 (14 cases). In most patients, cancer did not spread beyond the thyroid gland.
papilarni karcinom
folikularni karcinom
medularni karcinom
anaplastični karcinom
patohistološka dijagnostika
Keywords (english)
papillary cancer
follicular carcinoma
medullary canrcinoma
anaplastic carcinoma
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:143013
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-13 11:06:09