Title Organizacija i menadžment odjela smještaja u hotelima s 3*
Title (english) The Organization and Management of Hotel Accommodation Department in Three Star Hotels
Author Fran Mavrek
Mentor Ana Portolan (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Puh (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrinka Golemac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2021-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Republika Hrvatska (u daljnjem tekstu RH) je poznata turistička destinacija koja raspolaže s preko 750 hotela, što je izuzetno velika brojka za jednu malu zemlju poput RH. Većina hotela se nalazi na Jadranskoj obali i posluje samo tijekom ljetne sezone.
Organizacija i menadžment u hotelima se razlikuje što se i odražava na kvaliteti smještaja, ali i usluga. RH je unatrag 10 – 15 godina jedna od glavnih destinacija gostiju iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Velike Britanije, Skandinavskih zemalja te susjednih zemalja (Slovenija, Austrija, Italija, Mađarska).
U ovom radu sam se dotaknuo točaka koje su izrazito bitne za uspješno poslovanje hotela s 3*. Hoteli s 3* raspolažu drugim najvećim brojem smještajnih kapaciteta (postelja) pa stoga i kvaliteta mora biti dobra kako bih zadovoljila potrebe gosta koji će svoj novac potrošiti na uslugu smještaja te dodatne usluge koje hotel, ali i destinacija imaju za ponuditi. Menadžment unutar hotela sa tri zvjezdice uspješno posluje već dugi niz godina, ali je pitanje može li izdržati pritisak svijeta koji je pogođen pandemijom i pritisak konkurencije koji sa sobom nosi nove tehnologije i sve veći broj različitih usluga.
Kvaliteta smještaja u hotelima sa tri zvjezdice bi se trebala dići na višu razinu kako bih bila u tijeku s konkurencijom diljem svijeta i kako bih opravdala visoke cijene tih smještajnih jedinica na tržištu. Najveći problem turističke ponude RH je da samo rijetke županije i mjesta iskorištavaju svoj potencijal na planski i kontrolirani način. Dobar primjer odlučnog turizma su Istarska županija, grad Zagreb, ali i Međimurska županija koja iz godine u godinu bilježi porast gostiju te svake godine unaprjeđuje svoju ponudu. To su županije i gradovi koji su prepoznali okolinu u kojoj se nalaze te su na tome izgradili svoju ponudu. Ostali dijelovi RH bi se trebali ugledati na taj mali broj mjesta i gradova koji su bez mora, a uspješno su se plasirali na turističko tržište.
Potrebno je prepoznati što sve RH nudi ako se želi biti konkurentan europskim destinacijama, ne samo po pitanju turističke ponude već po pitanju kvalitete usluga, ali i cijena.
Abstract (english) The Republic of Croatia is a well-known tourist destination with more than 750 hotels, which is an exceptionally large number for a small country like Croatia. Most hotels are located on the Adriatic coast and operate only during the summer season.
Hotel organization and management differ, which is reflected in the quality of accommodation and services. Over the past 10-15 years, Croatia has been one of the main destinations of guests from the United States, Great Britain, Scandinavian countries and neighbouring countries (Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Hungary).
In this paper I have touched upon points that are extremely important for the successful operation of the hotel with 3*. Hotels with 3* have the second largest number of accommodation capacities (beds) in Croatia and therefore the quality must be good in order to satisfy the needs of guests who will spend their money on accommodation services and additional services that the hotel and destination have to offer. Management within the three-star hotel has been successfully operating for many years, but the question is whether it can withstand the pressures of the world affected by the pandemic and the pressure of competition that brings new technologies and an increasing number of different services.
The quality of accommodation in three-star hotels should rise to a higher level in order to be up to date with competition around the world and to justify the high prices of these accommodation units on the market. The biggest problem of the tourist offer of Croatia is that only rare counties and places exploit their potential in a planned and controlled manner. A good example of decisive tourism is the Istrian County, the City of Zagreb, but also the Medjimurje County, which annually generates guest growth and improves its offer every year. These are the counties and cities that have recognized the environment in which they are located and built their offer on it. Other parts of the Republic of Croatia should look up to this small number of towns and villages without sea, which have successfully reached the tourist market.
It is necessary to recognize what Croatia offers if it wants to be competitive with European destinations, not only in terms of tourist offer, but also in terms of quality of services, but also price.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:227141
Study programme Title: Hospitality, restaurant business and gastronomy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hotelijerstva, restoraterstva i gastronomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hotelijerstva, restoraterstva i gastronomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note 4296
Created on 2021-10-21 09:33:01