Title Percepcija Konavala kao destinacije aktivnog turizma
Title (english) Perception of Konavle as a Destination of Active Tourism
Author Barbara Žitek
Mentor Ivana Pavlić (mentor)
Committee member Marija Dragičević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Puh (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Općina Konavle nalazi se na krajnjem jugu Republike Hrvatske te zbog svoje geografske pozicije obiluje prirodnim i kulturnim resursima koji su pogodni posebice za razvoj aktivnog turizma. Aktivni turizam u zadnjim godinama postaje sve popularniji, a taj trend dodatno je potaknula pandemija koronavirusa koja je prisilila brojne turističke destinacije da počnu istraživati načine na koje mogu diversificirati postojeću turističku ponudu. U široj dubrovačkoj regiji ipak još nije bila izvedena
... More detaljnija analiza ovog područja na temelju koje bi se mogla oblikovati adekvatna razvojna strategija. Ovaj diplomski rad se stoga usredotočuje na istraživanje percepcije Konavala kao destinacije aktivnog turizma. Polazište su stavovi i mišljenja lokalnog stanovništva, naime bilo kakav održiv razvoj proizlazi iz percepcije i potpore lokalnih stanovnika. U okviru istraživanja punoljetni ispitanici iz Općine Konavle, Župe dubrovačke i Grada Dubrovnika ispunjavali su anketni upitnik u kojem su procjenjivali Konavle kao destinaciju aktivnog turizma na temelju pet varijabli: prepoznatljivost, potencijal, promocija, informiranost i infrastruktura. Dodatno su se prikupljale informacije o razini tjelesne aktivnosti ispitanika (umjerena, intenzivna i vježbe za snagu). Rezultati analize 156 valjanih upitnika su pokazali da ispitanici relativno dobro prepoznaju Konavle kao destinaciju aktivnog turizma, iako ne kao glavnu u široj dubrovačkoj regiji. Ispitanici visoko ocjenjuju potencijal Konavala za razvoj aktivnog turizma. Suprotno tome, prosječne ocjene za promociju su niske. Slično se pokazalo i za informiranost te infrastrukturu gdje se dodatno pojavljuje element relativno neizraženih stavova što može biti zbog nedostatka osobnog iskustva ili nezainteresiranosti. Također je bila provedena klaster analiza koja je dala četiri klastera – od tjelesno najaktivnijih do najmanje aktivnih. Sastav klastera ukazao je na moguću vezu između tjelesne aktivnosti i percepcije Konavala kao destinacije aktivnog turizma, no za jasnije zaključke bilo bi potrebno provesti dublje analize. Provedeno istraživanje dalo je uvid u stvarnu situaciju te donijelo prve indikativne informacije o promatranoj temi. S obzirom na njezinu aktualnost i rastuće zanimanje za aktivni turizam sakupljeni podaci i dobiveni rezultati plodno su polazište za dodatne analize koje će ući dublje u promatranu problematiku i pružiti dobru osnovicu za razvoj kako strategije turističkog razvoja u općini Konavle tako i kvalitetnih i učinkovitih popratnih marketinških aktivnosti. Less
Abstract (english) The municipality of Konavle is located in the southernmost part of the Republic of Croatia. Due to its geographical position, this region is rich in natural and cultural resources that are particularly suitable for the development of active tourism. Active tourism has become increasingly popular in recent years, and its popularity was further fuelled by the coronavirus pandemic as numerous tourist destinations have been forced to start looking into ways to diversify the existing tourist
... More offer. In the wider Dubrovnik region, however, no in-depth analysis on this subject that would allow for an adequate development strategy to be formed has been carried out. Thus, this graduate thesis focuses on researching the perception of Konavle as a destination of active tourism. The starting point are the attitudes and opinions of the local population for any sustainable development originates from the perception and support of local people. The research was carried out by means of a questionnaire fulfilled by adult respondents from the municipalities of Konavle, Zupa Dubrovacka, and Grad Dubrovnik. The respondents assessed Konavle as a destination of active tourism based on five variables: recognition, potential, promotion, information, and infrastructure. In addition, information on the level of physical activity of the respondents was collected (moderate, intense and strength exercises). The results of the analysis of 156 valid questionnaires showed that the respondents recognize Konavle as a destination of active tourism relatively well, though they do not see it as the main area for active tourism in the region. The potential of Konavle for the development of active tourism received high notes. This was not the case for the variable promotion which registered low average values. The same is true for the last two variables, information and infrastructure, where there is also an additional element of relatively unexpressed attitudes, which could be attributed to the lack of personal experience or lack of interest. A cluster analysis was also performed, which yielded four clusters – from the most physically active to the least active. The composition of the clusters indicated a possible connection between physical activity and the perception of Konavle as a destination of active tourism, but for clearer conclusions it would be necessary to carry out deeper analyses. The conducted research gave an insight into the real situation and brought about the first indicative information about the observed topic. Given its relevance and the growing interest in active tourism, the data collected, and the results obtained are a promising starting point for additional analyses that will dive deeper into the observed issue and provide a sound basis for the development of both the tourism development strategy in the municipality of Konavle as well as accompanying marketing activities of high quality. Less
aktivni turizam
turistička destinacija
percepcija lokalnog stanovništva
Keywords (english)
active tourism
tourist destination
perception of local population
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:427221
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-10-12 10:41:22