Title Utjecaj suvremene tehnologije na društveni život
Title (english) Impact of modern technology on social life
Author Mato Čupić
Mentor Vlaho Kovačević (mentor)
Committee member Mato Brautović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Musladin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlaho Kovačević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Media and Public Relations) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2022-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Društvo u kojem živimo danas uvelike se razlikuje od društva prije samo dvadesetak godina
ili čak i manje. Kad bi mogli u istom trenutku promatrati svakodnevicu ljudi prije točno
dvadeset godina i danas zasigurno bi bili iznenađeni razlikama i promjenama koje se vide.
Najveća promjena koju bi svatko vjerojatno primjetio jest utjecaj tehnologije koji se dogodio
u društvu. Taj utjecaj vidljiv je u gotovo svakom segmentu društvenog života od
komunikacije, informiranja, kupnje, putovanja, svakodnevnih obveza do interesa i zabave.
Ukratko može se reći da je tehnologija u posljednja dva desetljeća promijenila društveni
život, a time i kulturu koju smo prakticirali prije snažnog tehnološkog utjecaja.
U ovom radu naglasak je na odnosu tehnologije i čovjekovog društvenog života. Razvoj
tehnologije zapravo se prema brojnim autorima definira kao primjenjeno znanje ili
materijalizirani intelekt koji prvenstveno služi za savladavanje određenih problema s kojima
se suočavamo ili svakodnevnih potreba. Daljnji razvoj tehnologije događa se novim susretom
kulturnih i društvenih potreba sa samom tehnologijom. Stalnim ponavljanjem ovog procesa
dolazi do značajnog tehnološkog napretka i utjecaja tehnologije na društveni život. Bez
sumnje može se reći kako tehnologija ima pozitivan utjecaj na društveni život, od bržeg
obavljanja poslova, do brže komunikacije i lakše svakodnevice, no ne smiju se zaboraviti ni
negativne posljedice koje tehnologija donosi. Tehnologija mijenja način na koji provodimo
slobodno vrijeme, društvene mreže mijenjaju način na koji komuniciramo te stvaraju novi
vokabular, koji je možda bogatiji za nove riječi i skraćenice, ali općenito siromašniji.
Tehnologija mijenja kulturu i navike i na kraju donosi nove nametnute etičke norme, osim
navedenih utjecaja u ovom radu pokušat će se doznati kakav je utjecaj tehnologije u
različitim sredinama.
Abstract (english) The society we live in today is pretty different from the society just twenty years ago or even
less. If we could look at the everyday life of people twenty years ago, many of us would be
surely surprised by the differences and changes that can be seen today. The biggest change
that anyone would probably notice is the impact of technology in everyday life. This
influence is visible in almost every segment of social life, from communication, the way we
are informed, shopping, travel, daily obligations to interests and entertainment. Long story
short, it can be said that technology has changed social life in the last two decades, and the
culture that we practiced before the strong technological influence.
In this paper, the emphasis is on the relationship between technology and human social life.
According to numerous authors, the development of technology is actually defined as applied
knowledge or materialized intellect that primarily serves to overcome certain problems we
face or everyday needs. Further development of technology occurs through a new meeting of
cultural and social needs with technology itself. Constant repetition of this process leads to
significant technological progress and the impact of technology on social life. With no doubt,
it can be said that technology has a positive impact on social life, from faster performance of
tasks, to faster communication and easier everyday life, but we can not forget the negative
consequences that technology brings. Technology changes the way we spend our free time,
social networks change the way we communicate and create a new vocabulary, which may be
richer in new words and abbreviations, but generally poorer. Technology changes culture and
habits and eventually brings new ethical norms. In this paper will try to find out the influence
of technology in different environments.
utjecaj tehnologije
društvene mreže
Keywords (english)
influence of technology
social networks
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:049497
Study programme Title: Media Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra javnih medija (magistar/magistra javnih medija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-10-18 08:58:31