Title "Opća ili regionalna anestezija iz perspektive bolesnika"
Title (english) "General or regional anesthesia from the patien´s perspective"
Author Anđela Tošić
Mentor Dubravka Bartolek Hamp (mentor)
Committee member Morena Milić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Margaritoni (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Bartolek Hamp (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (The study of Nursing and Clinical Nursing) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2022-10-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Anesthesiology and Reanimatology
Abstract Uvod: Tri su različite vrste anestezije koje se mogu primijeniti: lokalna (operacije ograničene na malu, površnu regiju tijela), regionalna i opća anestezija (operacija trupa, srca, krvnih žila i sl.). Opća anestezija dovodi do reverzibilnog gubitka svijesti i gubitka boli cijeloga organizma kako bi se mogli obaviti zahtjevni operativni zahvati. Regionalna anestezija je tehnika anestezije kojom se uz pomoć lokalnog anestetika blokira okolina živca ili živčanog snopa čime nastupa neosjetljivost (tj. utrnulost) ili anestezija dijela tijela u inervacijskom području blokiranoga živca, a koja omogućava bezbolno izvođenje kirurškog zahvata. Cilj: Utvrditi stav bolesnika prema općoj i regionalnoj anesteziji u onih bez prethodnog i onih sa iskustvom anestezije te pokušati utvrditi razloge njihovog stava.
Ispitanici i metode: U prospektivnom istraživanju je korišten anonimni anketni upitnik koji je nasumičnim odabirom uključio 116 odraslih ispitanika oba spola. Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u skupinu A (bez iskustva sa anestezijom) i skupinu B (sa iskustvom anestezije). Kvantitativni podaci izraženi uz srednju vrijednost i standardnu devijaciju, a kvalitativni uz učestalost u postotku. Prikupljeni podaci prikazani su grafički i u tablicama. Za usporedbu rezultata korišteni je χ2 test. Značajnost razlike usporedbe rezultata ispitivanih skupina prihvaćen je uz p<0.05.
Rezultati: Bolesnici bez iskustva sa anestezijom su se u signifikantnom većem postotku ipak odlučivali za opću anesteziju (67% vs regionalna 34%). Po stečenom iskustvu u anesteziji se više ne nalazi značajne razlike u odabiru ispitanika za opću (67% vs 56%; p=0.1099) i regionalnu anesteziju (34% vs 44%; p=0.1471). Značajno najučestaliji broj ispitanika bi ponovili odabir opće anestezije po preporuci liječnika (bez 50% vs sa iskustvom 49%; p<0.001). Očekivano neugodno iskustvo sa spinalnom/epiduralnom anestezijom je bilo značajno niže u bolesnika nakon što su stekli iskustvo sa anestezijom (30% vs bez iskustva 57%; p=0.0001). Interesantan je podatak, da razgovor sa anesteziologom, kod ispitanika sa iskustvom u anesteziji nije utjecao na veću promjenu njihovog mišljenja o općoj ili regionalnoj anesteziji (64% vs bez iskustva 57%%; p=0.0701)
Zaključak: Zaključuje se kako ispitanici bez iskustva u anesteziji više preferiraju opću u odnosu na regionalnu anesteziju dok se sa iskustvom podjednako odlučuju za opću i regionalnu anesteziju. Kao glavni razlozi opredjeljenja ispitanika za jednu od ove dvije anestezije ističe se strah od buđenja usred operacije (opća anestezija) ili strah da će ipak osjetiti bol tijekom operacije (regionalna anestezija).
Abstract (english) Introduction: There are three different types of anesthesia that can be applied: local (operations limited to a small, superficial region of the body), regional and general anesthesia (operations on the trunk, heart, blood vessels) and similar.). General anesthesia leads to a reversible loss of consciousness and loss of pain in the entire organism so that demanding surgical procedures can be performed. Regional anesthesia is an anesthesia technique in which, with the help of a local anesthetic, the surrounding area of the nerve or nerve bundle is blocked, resulting in insensitivity (ie, numbness) or anesthesia of the part of the body in the innervation area of the blocked nerve, which enables a painless surgical procedure. Objective: To determine the attitude of patients towards general and regional anesthesia in those without previous experience and those with anesthesia experience, and to try to determine the reasons for their attitude.
Subjects and methods: In the prospective study, an anonymous questionnaire was used, which randomly selected 116 adult subjects of both sexes. The subjects were divided into group A (without anesthesia experience) and group B (with anesthesia experience). Quantitative data expressed with mean value and standard deviation, and qualitative data with frequency in percentage. The collected data are presented graphically and in tables. The χ2 test was used to compare the results. The significance of the difference in the comparison of the results of the examined groups was accepted at p<0.05.
Results: A significantly higher percentage of patients with no experience with anesthesia still opted for general anesthesia (67% vs regional 34%). According to the acquired experience in anesthesia, there is no longer any significant difference in the selection of respondents for general (67% vs 56%; p=0.1099) and regional anesthesia (34% vs 44%; p=0.1471). Significantly, the most frequent number of respondents would repeat the choice of general anesthesia on the recommendation of a doctor (without 50% vs with experience 49%; p<0.001). Expected unpleasant experience with spinal/epidural anesthesia was significantly lower in patients after they gained experience with anesthesia (30% vs no experience 57%; p=0.0001). It is interesting to note that a conversation with an anesthesiologist, among subjects with experience in anesthesia, did not influence a major change in their opinion about general or regional anesthesia (64% vs no experience 57%; p=0.0701)
Conclusion: It is concluded that respondents without experience in anesthesia prefer general over regional anesthesia, while those with experience equally opt for general and regional anesthesia. The fear of waking up in the middle of the operation (general anesthesia) or the fear that patients will still feel pain during the operation (regional anesthesia) stand out as the main reasons for the respondents' choice of one of these two types of anesthesia.
opća anestezija
regionalna anestezija
Keywords (english)
general anesthesia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:066924
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-11-07 12:19:41