Title Videokonferencijske platforme u poslovnoj komunikaciji
Title (english) Video Conferencing Platforms in Business Communication
Author Maris Prce
Mentor Katija Vojvodić (mentor)
Committee member Zorica Krželj Čolović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Matić Šošić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2023-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Komuniciranje je pojam koji potječe od latinske riječi, a zapravo znači spajati. Kroz godine razvoja tehnologije napredovala je i komunikacija između ljudi. Ona je ta koja spaja ljude, poboljšava odnose, rješava konflikte, dovodi do novih ideja, izgrađuje odnose poduzeća s kupcima i sl. Učinkovita komunikacija je ključna za uspjeh bilo kojeg čovjeka, pa tako i organizacija, a neučinkovita je komunikacija vrlo često razlog određenih grešaka i neuspjeha. Vještina komunikacije je vještina koju većina poslodavaca i organizacija danas očekuje od svojih zaposlenika i stoga je to ključna prilikom ulaska na tržište rada. Cilj je rada prikazati važnost razvoja komunikacijskih vještina za sve one koji planiraju održavati razne vrste sastanaka ili u njima sudjelovati. Naučiti pravilno komunicirati olakšava razumijevanje današnjeg dinamičnog svijeta rada i olakšava pronalazak zanimljive i dobro plaćene karijere. Kroz analizu vrsta poslovnog komuniciranja i vrsta videokonferencijskih platformi prikazana je važnost njihovog odnosa koji je ključan za poslovanje u današnje vrijeme. Kroz rad su obrađeni najvažniji elementi, načela i podjele poslovnog komuniciranja na što se nadovezuju vrste videokonferencijskih platformi bez kojih danas neke od najvećih organizacija ne bi mogle poslovati. Ovaj rad kroz sve podatke dolazi do onog najvažnijeg, a to je odnos između platformi i poslovnog komuniciranja. Daje odgovore na sva pitanja i objašnjava zašto jedno bez drugoga ne mogu funkcionirati.
Abstract (english) The term "communication" comes from Latin and actually means "connection." Over the years of technological development, communication between people has also evolved. It brings people together, improves relationships, resolves conflicts, leads to new ideas, builds corporate relationships with customers, etc. Effective communication is the key to the success of any person, including a company, and ineffective communication is very often the reason for certain mistakes and failures. Communication skills are a skill that most employers and organizations expect from their employees today, and therefore it is a key skill that is expected when entering the job market. The goal is to show how important the development of communication skills is for all those who want to hold or participate in different types of meetings. Those who learn to communicate properly will be better able to navigate today's dynamic work environment and more easily find an interesting and well-paying job. By analysing the types of business communication and the types of video conferencing platforms, the importance of the relationship between the latter is shown, which is crucial for today's business world. The work looks at the main elements, principles and areas of business communication, followed by the types of video conferencing platforms without which some of the largest organizations would not be able to do business today. Through all the data, this work gets to the most important part, which is the relationship between platforms and business communications. It answers all the questions and explains why one cannot work without the other.
poslovna komunikacija
vrste poslovnog komuniciranja
videokonferencijske platforme
Keywords (english)
business communication
types of business communication
video conferencing platforms
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:094041
Study programme Title: Hotel and Restaurant Management, and Gastronomy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hotelijerstva, restoraterstva i gastronomije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hotelijerstva, restoraterstva i gastronomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-03 10:53:59