Title Korištenje mobilnog marketinga u digitalnom okruženju
Title (english) The Use of Mobile Marketing in Digital Environment
Author Ana Curić
Mentor Matea Matić Šošić (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Puh (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Pavlić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Razvoj tehnologije, interneta, digitalne komunikacije te način širenja informacija, prošao je kroz značajne promjene tijekom godina. Tehnološki napreci revolucionirali su način na koji poduzeća djeluju, kako vrše svoje poslovanje, ali i kako dopiru do potrošača. Obzirom da kupci danas traže pravu informaciju, informaciju koja će im riješiti neki problem ili pomoći u daljnjim odlukama, tradicionalne marketinške tehnike više nemaju veliki učinak. Kupac današnjice zna čemu teži, informiraniji je
... More pa donosi pametnije odluke pri kupnji. Stoga, naglasak se stavlja na nove marketinške tehnike i metode koje će pomoći kupcu u ostvarivanju svojih potreba i želja.
Digitalna transformacija, mobilna trgovina, društveni mediji, influenser marketing, pretraživanje glasom, e-pošta, privatnost podataka i sigurnost samo su neki od trendova i razvoja u tehnologiji i marketingu. Na temelju toga, može se reći da je digitalni marketing širok pojam koji opisuje više marketinških prijenosa koji koriste sve raspoložive digitalne kanale za promoviranje proizvoda i suluga s ciljem privlačenja, angažiranja i konverzije ciljne publike.
Tema završnog rada odnosi se na korištenje mobilnog marketinga u digitalnom okruženju. S obzirom da su marketinški stručnjaci prepoznali da Internet i korištenje mobilnih aplikacija bitno utječe na ponašanje potrošača, u radu će se analizirati u kojoj se mjeri koriste mobilne aplikacije, koliko korisnici imaju povjerenja u njih, koliko su zadovoljni njihovim korištenjem te
kako to marketing utječe na njihove stavove i razmišljanja. Također, s druge strane navest će se i ukratko objasniti tehnike i metode koje će se koristit prilikom izrade teorijskog i praktičnog dijela, ali i određeni nedostatci njihova korištenja. Less
Abstract (english) The development of technology, the Internet, digital communication and the way information is disseminated has gone through significant changes over the years. Technological advances have revolutionized the way companies operate, how they conduct their business, but also how they reach consumers. Given that customers today are looking for real information, information that will solve any problem or help them in further decisions, traditional marketing techniques no longer have much effect.
... More Today's customer knows what he is aiming for, is more informed and makes smarter purchasing decisions. Therefore, emphasis is placed on new marketing techniques and methods that will help the customer and realize his needs and desires.
Digital transformation, mobile commerce, social media, influencer marketing, voice search, email, data privacy and security are just some of the trends and developments in technology and marketing. Based on this, it can be said that digital marketing encompasses all marketing activities carried out through digital channels and technologies with the aim of attracting, engaging and converting the target audience.
The topic of the final paper refers to the use of mobile marketing in a digital environment. Given that marketing experts have recognized that the Internet and the use of mobile applications significantly influence consumer behaviour, the paper will analyze the extent to which mobile applications are used, how much trust users have in them, how satisfied they are with their usage, and how marketing affects their attitudes and thoughts. Also, on the other hand, the techniques and methods that will be used during the preparation of the theoretical and practical part, as well as certain disadvantages of their use, will be listed and briefly explained. Less
digitalni marketing
mobilni marketing
ponašanje potrošača
Keywords (english)
digital marketing
mobile marketing
consumer behaviour
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:831169
Study programme Title: Business Economy; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International trade, IT management Course: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) poslovne ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-11-07 09:52:00