Title Poslovna etika u turističkom sustavu
Title (english) Business Ethics in Tourism Industry
Author Ivana Erceg
Mentor Ana Portolan (mentor)
Mentor Marino Stanković (komentor)
Committee member Barbara Puh (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Pavlić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2024-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Tema ovog završnog rada je poslovna etika u turističkom sustavu. Bez obzira na ubrzani razvoj tehnologije, u turizmu i prilikom odvijanja turističkih aktivnosti ipak je najbitniji ljudski faktor. Ljudi su jedni od ključnih čimbenika za uspješno i dugoročno poslovanje organizacije, a samim time do izražaja dolazi i važnost primjene poslovne etike u turističkim sustavima. Implementacijom i primjenom poslovne etike na svim razinama organizacije utječe se na zadovoljstvo potrošača, a samim time i
... More na uspješnije poslovne rezultate. Za potrebe ovog završnog rada provedeno je i istraživanje koje se odnosilo na stavove ispitnih osoba u vezi poslovne etike. Ispitane osobe izrazile su i svoje mišljenje u vezi poslovne etike pružatelja usluga u gradu Dubrovniku čije su usluge koristili za vrijeme svog boravka. Jedan od ciljeva ovog rada bio je potvrditi, odnosno odbaciti postavljene hipoteze. Od ukupno tri postavljene hipoteze, dvije hipoteze su potvrđene, dok je jedna odbačena. Potvrđeno je da ispitane osobe smatraju da ukoliko je pružatelj usluga u potpunosti etičan, ne može ostvariti veliki profit i da je etičnost jedna od bitnijih karakteristika koju putnici uzimaju u obzir prilikom odabira i/ili ocjenjivanja pružene usluge. Jedina odbačena hipoteza je da izletnicima, u odnosu na turiste, etičnost pružatelja usluga ne predstavlja bitan razlog za ponovno korištenje usluge. Završni rad napisan je korištenjem različitih metoda istraživanja, a to su: metoda deskripcije, deduktivna metoda, metoda kompilacije, metoda uzorka te metoda analize. Less
Abstract (english) Topic of this paper is business ethics in tourism system. Regardless of the rapid development of technology, the human factor is still the most important factor in tourism and in all touristic activities. People are one of the key factors for the successful and long-term business of an organization, and that is why it is important to apply business ethics in tourism systems. The implementation and application of business ethics at all levels of the organization affects consumer satisfaction
... More and, therefore, more successful business results. For the purposes of this paper, a survey was also conducted that was related to the attitudes of the examinees regarding business ethics. They also expressed their opinion regarding the business ethics of the service providers in the city of Dubrovnik whose services they used during their stay. One of the goals of this paper was to confirm or reject hypotheses. Out of a total of three hypotheses, two hypotheses were confirmed, while one was rejected. It was confirmed that the people interviewed in survey believe that if the service provider is completely ethical, he cannot make a big profit and that ethics is one of the more important characteristics that travelers take into account when choosing and/or evaluating provided service. The only rejected hypothesis is that for travelers, in relation to tourists, the ethics of the service provider is not an important reason for using the service again. The paper was written using different research methods: description method, deductive method, compilation method, sample method and analysis method. Less
poslovna etika
turistički sustav
pružatelji usluga
Keywords (english)
business ethics
tourism system
service providers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:688875
Study programme Title: Hotel and Restaurant Management, and Gastronomy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hotelijerstva, restoraterstva i gastronomije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hotelijerstva, restoraterstva i gastronomije)
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Created on 2024-09-03 10:10:49