Title Menadžment na putničkim brodovima
Title (english) Managment on passanger ships
Author Maroje Gavranović
Mentor Marija Bečić (mentor)
Mentor Nikolina Burazin (komentor)
Committee member Nermin Hasanspahić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikolina Burazin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Srđan Vujičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Maritime Studies) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2024-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Abstract Ovaj rad analizira suvremenu industriju kružnih putovanja i ulogu svih menadžerskih funkcija u tom kontekstu. Zbog raznovrsnosti i složenosti poslovnog okruženja u kruzing sektoru, ova industrija se ističe svojom multidisciplinarnošću. Upravo iz toga razloga kruzing turizam čini specifičnu granu koja zahtjeva sinergiju menadžerskih vještina iz područja turizma i pomorstva. Menadžment predstavlja disciplinu koja se fokusira na organizaciju, vođenje, planiranje i nadzor resursa, ljudi i operacija
... More unutar organizacija, sa svrhom postizanja ciljeva na što efikasniji način. Efikasan menadžment uključuje korištenje različitih vještina i znanja kako bi se optimizirala produktivnost i postigao uspjeh. Brodarske tvrtke ne bi mogle dugoročno funkcionirati bez kvalitetne uprave budući se suočavaju sa brojnim izazovima u poslovanju na svjetskom tržištu. Upravo sposoban menadžment je ključan za njihovo pravovremeno prilagođavanje promjenjivim uvjetima poslovnog okruženja u kojem djeluju. Jedna od ključnih zadaća modernog menadžera jest poticanje zaposlenika, što uvelike ovisi o njegovoj osobnoj karizmi i individualnim osobinama. Brodska uprava ima ključnu ulogu u ostvarivanju ciljeva brodarskih tvrtki. Brodski menadžment je specifičan zbog svog značenja i položaja unutar upravljačkog sustava brodarskih poduzeća, te pripada operativnoj razini menadžmenta unutar tih organizacija. Gledano iz perspektive upravljačke strukture brodarskog poduzeća, najveći dio vremena posvećuje se rukovođenju, odnosno primjeni menadžerske funkcije vođenja. Također, kako bi se postigli operativni ciljevi, dio određenog vremena se ulaže u primjenu menadžerskih funkcija kao što su planiranja kadrova i kontroliranja. Less
Abstract (english) This paper analyzes the modern cruise industry and the role of all management functions within this context. Due to the diversity and complexity of the business environment in the cruise sector, this industry stands out for its multidisciplinary nature. For this reason, cruise tourism represents a unique branch that requires a synergy of management skills from both the tourism and maritime sectors. Passenger ships are vessels designed for the transport of passengers across seas, oceans,
... More rivers, or lakes. Management is a discipline that focuses on the organization, leadership, planning, and oversight of resources, people, and operations within organizations to achieve goals as efficiently as possible. Effective management involves utilizing various skills and knowledge to optimize productivity and achieve success. Shipping companies could not function long-term without quality management, as they face numerous challenges in operating on the global market. A competent management team is essential for adapting to the ever-changing business conditions in which they operate. One of the key tasks of a modern manager is motivating employees, which largely depends on personal charisma and individual traits. Shipboard management plays a vital role in achieving the goals of shipping companies. Ship management is unique due to its significance and position within the management system of shipping companies, and it belongs to the operational level of management within these organizations. From the perspective of the management structure of a shipping company, the majority of time is dedicated to leadership, or the application of the management function of leading. Additionally, in order to achieve operational goals, a portion of time is invested in the application of other management functions such as human resource planning and controlling. Less
putnički brodovi
Keywords (english)
passenger ships
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:419783
Study programme Title: / Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorskog prometa (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorskog prometa)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-10-29 08:14:58