Title Imidž Donalda Trumpa
Title (english) Donald Trump's image
Author Tonka Gluhan
Mentor Ivan Tanta (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Musladin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Pauković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Tanta (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Roško (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Media and Public Relations) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2024-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Cilj ovog istraživanja je analizirati kako komunikacijske i prezentacijske vještine Donalda Trumpa utječu na njegovo brendiranje i održavanje imidža, a predmet istraživanja je da se pruži bolje razumijevanje o tome kako učinkovita upotreba komunikacijskih i prezentacijskih vještina može oblikovati i utvrditi imidž. Također cilj istraživanja je analizirat i utvrditi dali su tradicionalni mediji pristrani kada pišu o Donaldu Trumpu te kako oni utječu na njegov imidž.
U svrhu istraživanja
... More provedena je analiza nastupa Donalda Trumpa i analiza medijskog sadržaja o imidžu Donalda Trumpa. U analizi nastupa Donalda Trumpa prikazano je da on djelomice poštuje pravila struke, koristi razgovorni stil, dok je intenzitet njegovih govora jak/umjeren, a je kontekst afirmativan/vrlo afirmativan, što doprinosi njegovom brendiranju budući da privlačiti pozornost publike. U analizi medijskog sadržaja o imidžu Donalda Trumpa prikazano je da su pisci medijski članaka u većem djelu pristrani protiv Trumpa jer od njih 6, 4 se djelomično pridržavaju pravila struke dok se samo 2 pisca pridržavaju pravila struke, te svi koriste novinarski stil. U analizi korisničkih objava također je vidljivo da su korisnici pristrani protiv Trumpa jer od ukupno 60 analiziranih korisničkih objava, u njih 23 (38 %) se koristio govor mržnje, njih 22 (37 %) je djelomice poštovalo pravila struke, 12 (20 %) je koristilo uvrede, 3 (5 %) korisnika su koristila nekorektan govor. Također njih 7 (12 %) koristilo novinarskim stilom, 48 (80 %) ih se koristilo razgovornim stilom, 5 (8 %) je koristilo prostote i psovke. Intenzitet i medijskih članka i korisničkih objava je umjereno/jak dok je njihov kontekst negativno/neutralan, iako je intenzitet korisničkih objava jači a kontekst negativniji, ovdje se može vidjeti da i novinari i korisnici imaju u većem dijelu negativno mišljenje o Trumpu, te da on u njima budi jaku emocionalnu reakciju.
Pomoći provedenih analiza potvrđenje su hipoteze ovog rada. Prva hipoteza da komunikacijske i prezentacijske vještine Donalda Trumpa doprinose njegovom brendiranju, te pomažu u stvaranju negativnog i pozitivnog imidža Donalda Trumpa, a time doprinose u stvaranju njegovog imidža kao jednog od najpoznatijih političara današnjice. Kao i druga hipoteza da su tradicionalni mediji negativno pristrani prema Donaldu Trumpu, stvarajući negativnu sliku o njemu i negativno utječući na njegov imidž. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this research is to analyze how Donald Trump's communication and presentation skills affect his branding and image maintenance, and the purpose of the research is to provide a better understanding of how effective use of communication and presentation skills can shape and establish an public image. The aim of the research is also to analyze and determine whether the traditional media are biased when they write about Donald Trump and how they affect his public image.
For the
... More purpose of the research, an analysis of Donald Trump's performance and an analysis of media content about Donald Trump's public image were carried out. In the analysis of Donald Trump's performance, it is shown that he partially respects the rules of the profession, uses a conversational style, while the intensity of his speech is strong/moderate, and the context is affirmative/very affirmative, which contributes to his branding as it attracts the attention of the audience. In the analysis of media content about the image of Donald Trump, it is shown that the writers of media articles are mostly biased against Trump, because out of 6 of them, 4 partially follow the rules of the profession, while only 2 writers follow the rules of the profession, and all of them use journalistic style. In the analysis of user posts, it is also evident that users agreed against Trump because out of a total of 60 analyzed user posts, 23 (38%) of them used hate speech, 22 (37%) partially respected the rules of the profession, 12 (20%) used insults, 3 (5%) users used incorrect speech. Also, 7 (12%) of them used a journalistic style, 48 (80%) used a conversational style, 5 (8%) used curse words. The intensity of both media articles and user posts is moderate/strong while their context is negative/neutral, although the intensity of user posts is stronger and the context more negative, here it can be seen that both journalists and users have a mostly negative opinion of Trump, and that he arouses a strong emotional reaction in them.
With the help of the conducted analyses, the hypotheses of this work were confirmed. The first hypothesis that Donald Trump's communication and presentation skills contribute to his branding, and help create a negative and positive image of Donald Trump, thereby contributing to the creation of his image as one of the most famous politicians today. As well as the second hypothesis that traditional media are negatively biased towards Donald Trump, negatively affecting his image. Less
Donald Trump
komunikacijske vještine
medijski članci
Keywords (english)
Donald Trump
communication skills
media articles
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:176238
Study programme Title: / Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra javnih medija (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra javnih medija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-11-12 10:01:14