Title Manipulativna moć reklama
Title (english) Manipulative power of advertising
Author Nena Nikolić
Mentor Đorđe Obradović (mentor)
Committee member Pero Maldini (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Musladin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Pauković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Media and Public Relations) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2018-03-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract Usluge i dobra oblikuju sustav vrijednosti, a potrošači se ogledaju u kupljenoj robi. Da bi marketinški stručnjak (manipulator) ostvario svoje ciljeve (prodaja i profit) on zamjenjuje stvarne potrebe sa lažnima, svoje interese podmeće kao potrebe drugoga, depersonalizira čovjeka, a personalizira stvar. Osim bitnih informacija, svaka reklama sadrži i uvjeravanje, ali i dešifrirane znakove koje podsvjesno povezujemo sa pozitivnim osjećajima.
Konzumerizam, koji se sve više manifestira kao nova
... More ovisnost, potrošačka je kultura koja podržava smisao života u stvarima. Scenarij kao takav, koji se ogleda u zapadnjačkoj kulturi, usporedno je rastao sa pojavom globalizacije. Takav način ponašanja i potrošnje robe može se sagledati kao fikcija koju potenciraju reklamne kompanije.
Reklame utječu na ponašanje, one otvoreno pozivaju na rodne stereotipe i diskriminaciju, koriste se manipulativnim metodama kojima utječu ne samo na pojedinca, već i na ponašanje cijele jedne socijalne sredine. Cilj diplomskog rada je ispitati utjecaje koje reklame izazivaju i donijeti rezultate i potencijalna rješenja problema.
Istraživanje je pokazalo kako su manipulativni elementi u 52% ispitanog sadržaja jakog intenziteta, umjerenog 44%, a slabog samo u 4% ispitanog sadržaja, što pokazuje ne samo njegovu jačinu u pojavljivanju, već i samu činjenicu da manipulacija postoji.
Anketa je djelomice potvrdila početnu hipotezu, odnosno pitanje o svjesnosti javnosti o manipulaciji putem TV reklama kao postojeće ali i štetne pojave.
Medijska pismenost, kao nužan proces stjecanja znanja i vještina koje su opet tako nužne za korištenje medija, jedno je od glavnih rješenja problema manipulacije. Učeći o štetnostima i prednostima medija i načina na koji oni funkcioniraju postajemo aktivni sudionici koji su sposobni kritički razmišljati. Štetnost učestalog gledanja TV reklama, kao i prepoznatljivih likova i slogana kojima se oglašivačka industrija koristi da bi privukla djecu, postaje sve većom, a manifestira se kroz učestalo nagovaranje djece upućeno roditeljima na kupnju određenog proizvoda. Fenomeni nagovaranja manipulativna je tehnika uzrokovana zabavnim i privlačnim reklamama, a kako bi se spriječilo daljnje pojavljivanje fenomena nagovaranja roditelji bi trebali sa djecom gledati medijske sadržaje i o njima razgovarati. Less
Abstract (english) Services and goods shape the value system and consumers are seeing themselves through the goods they buy. For a marketing expert (manipulator) to achieve his goals (sales and profits) he replaces real needs with the fake ones, he submits his interests as the needs of the other, he depersonalizes person, and personalizes the thing. In addition to essential information, each advertisement contains persuasion, but also decoded characters that are subconsciously linked with positive feelings.
... More Consumerism, which is increasingly manifested as a new addiction, is a consumer culture that supports the meaning of life in things. The scenario as such, which is reflected in Western culture, has grown parallel with the emergence of globalization. Such behavior and consumption of goods can be seen as a fiction promoted by advertising companies.
Advertising affects behavior, openly refer to gender stereotypes and discrimination, are used by manipulative methods that affect not only the individuals but also the behavior of the whole social environment. The aim of the graduate thesis is to examine the effects that the advertisements cause and bring results and potential solutions to the problem.
Research has shown that manipulative elements in 52% of the subject's intensive, moderate 44%, and only a mere 4% of the content examined, which shows not only it's strength in appearance, but the very fact that manipulation exists.
The survey partially confirmed the initial hypothesis, that is, the issue of public awareness of manipulation through TV commercials as an existing but harmful phenomenon. Media literacy, as a necessary process of acquiring knowledge and skills that are again necessary to use the media, is one of the main solutions to the problem of manipulation. By learning the disadvantages and advantages of the media and the way in which they work, we become active participants who are able to think critically. The disadvantage of frequent TV viewing, as well as recognizable characters and slogans used by the advertising industry to attract children, is growing and manifested through the frequent impetus of children sent to parents to buy a particular product. The evocative phenomena of manipulative technique are caused by entertaining and appealing advertisements, and in order to prevent the emergence of the phenomenon of impetus, parents should watch TV with children and discuss media with them. Less
medijsko opismenjavanje
Keywords (english)
media literacy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:544932
Study programme Title: Media Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra javnih medija (magistar/magistra javnih medija)
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Created on 2018-04-10 08:42:04