Title "Zdravstvena njega trudnice s gestacijskim dijabetesom"
Title (english) "Health care of pregnant woman with gestational diabetes"
Author Marija Vukušić
Mentor Vesna Turuk (mentor)
Committee member Andro Vlahušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mara Županić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Turuk (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (The study of Nursing and Clinical Nursing) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2019-04-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract Dijabetes je sindrom koji nastaje zbog apsolutnog ili relativnog manjka ili djelovanja inzulina, a rezultat je hiperglikemija.
Razlikujemo dvije vrste dijabetesa a to su: dijabetes tip 1 (ovisan o inzulinu) i dijabetes tip 2 (neovisan o inzulinu).
U trudnoći se javlja poseban oblik dijabetesa, a naziva se gestacijski dijabetes. Gestacijski dijabestes je dijabetes koji se po prvi
put dijagnosticira u trudnoći. Pripada u skupinu visokorizičnih trudnoća, te zahtjeva intezivno praćenje i kontrolu sve do poroda.
Dijagnoza se postavlja putem krvne pretrage oGTT (2-satni oGTT uz opterećenje sa 75 grama glukoze). Ciljevi liječenja
gestacijskog dijabetesa su da se postigne stanje euglikemije, da se spriječi ketoacidoza, te spriječi fetalni rizik. Kod blažeg
povišenja šećera u krvi dovoljna terapijska mjera je dijeta. Liječenje inzulinom preporučuje se kad je glukoza na tašte viša od 5,1
Zdravstvena njega trudnica koje boluju od gestacijskog dijabetesa temelji se na procjeni trudnice i njenog stanja. Otkrivanjem
poteškoća i smetnji izrađuje se plan zdravstvene njege. Skrb se provodi kontinuirano te se redovito evaluiraju ciljevi i rezultati.
Trudnici tijekom provedbe zdravstvene njege treba pružati potporu kako bi izbjegli pojavu anksioznosti. Pravovremeno otkriti
nepridržavanje uputa ili neshvaćanje i pružiti valjanu edukaciju.
Medicinska sestra ima važnu ulogu u edukaciji trudnice koja boluje od gestacijskog dijabetesa. Ona treba savjetovati trudnicu o
važnosti fizičke aktivnosti, prehrani, upoznati je sa njenom bolešću, ishodima i komplikacijama do kojih može doći.
Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati osnovne elemente bolesti, navesti rizične skupine za nastanak bolesti, objasniti kako bolest
može utjecati na trudnicu i fetus, navesti moguće komplikacije, liječenje, dijagnostiku kao i zbrinjavanje trudnice do poroda kroz
proces zdravstvene njege.
Abstract (english) Diabetes is a syndrome that is caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin, or an insulin action and is a result of
We have two types of diabetes, and they are: diabetes type 1 (insulin depended) and diabetes type 2 ( insulin –
independent ).
In pregnancy there is a special form of diabetes, and it is called gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a diabetes
that is diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy. It belongs to a group of high-risk pregnancies, and requires intensive
monitoring and control up to childbirth. Diagnosis is made by the oGTT blood test (2-hour oGTT at a load of 75 grams of
glucose). The goals of treatment of gestational diabetes are to achieve the state of euglycemia, to prevent ketoacidosis,
and to prevent fetal risk. In the case of a mild increase in blood sugar, a sufficient therapeutic measure is a diet. Insulin
treatment is recommended when glucose is more than 5,1 mmol / L.
Maternity care for pregnant women suffering from gestational diabetes is based on the assessment of the pregnant woman
and her condition. A health care plan is drawn up by detecting difficulties and disturbances. Caring is carried out
continuously, and goals and results are regularly evaluated. Pregnant women should provide support during the course of
health care in order to avoid the occurrence of anxiety. Disclose in a timely manner the failure to comply with instructions or
inconvenience, and provide proper education.
The nurse plays an important role in educating a pregnant woman suffering from gestational diabetes. She should advise
the pregnant woman about the importance of physical activity, nutrition, about her illness, outcomes and complications that
can come to her.
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the basic elements of the disease, explain how the disease can affect the pregnant
woman and the fetus, identify possible complications, treatments, diagnosis, and care for pregnant women through delivery
through care.
gestacijski dijabetes
medicinska sestra
Keywords (english)
pregnat woman
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:169839
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-04-17 09:26:32