Abstract | Ovim radom je prikazan proces izrade jednostavne PC igre, te alati i programi koji se koriste u njezinoj izradi. Objašnjeni su osnovni pojmovi svakog korištenog programa, njihovi zahtjevi, osnovni dijelovi, povijest i dr.
Igre su najčešće napravljene i razvijene od strane timova koje mogu činiti manja grupa ljudi od nekoliko njih ili čak sam pojedinac. Manji timovi se bave razvojem „lakših“ i manje zahtjevnijim projektima kao što su igre za mobilne plaforme. Veliki timovi najčešće rade za izdavače videoigara. Izdavači videoigara su tvrtke koje su pokrenule i napravile igru koju su sami razvili. Svatko u timu ima neku ulogu u razvoju igre. Dizajneri stvaraju ciljeve, pravila, izgled i ulogu igre, odgovorni su za sve aspekte razvoja igre (od njezinog početka i samog kraja), stvaraju vizualne elemente igre (likove, krajolike, objekte, vozila, odjeću i dr.). Pored navedenog stvaraju i sam koncept igre, odnosno njezinu priču. Za sve kodove i skripte koje su potrebne u igri zaduženi su programeri. Različite platforme imaju različite zahtjeve programiranja, a unutar same igre moraju se ispunjavati zahtjevi kao što su: fizika, umjetna inteligencija, 3D razvoj sučelja, sustav kontrole itd. Dizajneri razina (nivoa) u igri su osobe koje su zadužene za arhitekturu igre. Koriste igru i mijenjaju njezin izgled i kompleksnost igre, definiraju predmete i likove koji su uključeni u igri, njihovo ponašanje prilikom igranja, izazove kao što su zapreke, mjesta za skrivanje, testove vještine i druge elemente za interakciju. Isto tako dosta bitan je audio dizajner koji stvara glazbu, zvučne efekte, karakter glasova, buku, vozila itd. U razvoju igre to su najbitnije uloge, dok su u većim timovima i veće podjele kao što su: animatori, pomoćni producenti, kreativni direktor, glavni direktor, glavni programer, osoba zadužena za marketing, voditelj proizvoda, voditelj projekta, tehnički umjetnik i dr. |
Abstract (english) | This paper presents the process of making a simple PC games, and tools and programs that are used in its preparation. It explains the basic concepts of each used programs, their requirements, basic parts, history and others.
The games are usually designed and developed by teams that may seem small group of people from several of them, or even the individual himself. Smaller teams are engaged in the development of "lighter" and less demanding applications such as games for mobile plaform. Large teams often work for publishers of video games. Video game publishers are companies that have launched and made the game that they have developed themselves. Everyone on the team has a role in the development of the game. Designers create goals, rules, look and role play, are responsible for all aspects of the game (from its beginning and the very end), creating the visual elements of the game (characters, landscapes, buildings, cars, clothes, etc.). Additionally create the concept of the game, and her story. For all codes and scripts that are needed in the game are responsible developers. Different platforms have different requirements programming, and within the game itself must meet requirements such as physics, artificial intelligence, 3D development interface, control system, etc. Designers level (level) in the game are the persons responsible for the architecture of the game. Using the game and changing its appearance and complexity of the game, define the objects and characters involved in the game, their behavior during gameplay challenges such as obstacles, hiding places, testing skills and other elements to interact. Also quite important is a sound designer who creates music, sound effects, character voices, noises, vehicles and so on. In the development of games that are the most important roles, while in larger teams and more divisions such as animators, assistant producer, creative director, CEO, chief programmer, the person responsible for marketing, product manager, project manager, technical artist and others. |