Title Zadaci medicinske sestre kod bolesnika oboljelih od Crohnove bolesti
Title (english) The tasks of nurses in patients with Crohn's disease
Author Dajana Kanjir
Mentor Rudolf Milanović (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Vražić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rudolf Milanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Sajko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2016-10-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Crohnova bolest je kronična upalna bolest koja može zahvatiti bilo koji dio
gastrointestinalnog sustava, no najčešće tanko crijevo, odnosno terminalni ileum, nešto rjeđe
debelo crijevo. Mnogi uspoređuju Crohnovu bolest za ulceroznim kolitisom. Obje su upalne
bolesti crijeva, no velika je razlika što kod ulceroznog kolitisa patološka promjena zahvaća
prvenstveno sluznicu dok Crohnova bolest zahvaća mukozu i submukozu te prodire u dublje
slojeve stijenke.
Tijek bolesti je vrlo varijabilan s brojnim remisijama i recidivima, različitim
očitovanjima bolesti, čestim perianalnim, intestinalnim, ekstraintestinalnim komplikacijama,
te čestim recidivima poslije kirurške resekcije bolesnog segmenta crijeva.
Uzrok Crohnove bolesti nije poznat, ali se sumnja na doprinos nasljednih svojstava.
Iako je Crohnova bolest dugotrajna i kronična, liječenjem se može držati pod kontrolom, te
postići duga razdoblja bez remisija. Mnogi pacijenti vode kvalitetan te ispunjen život bez
obzira na simptome i bolest.
Uloga medicinske sestre u skrbi za kronično bolesne osobe vrlo su širokog razmjera,
počevši prije svega od odgovarajućih komunikacijskih vještina, pa do složenijih procesa
sestrinske skrbi za takvog pacijenta. Za rad s takvim bolesnicima potrebno je mnogo znanja,
strpljivosti i empatije. Stvaranje terapijskog odnosa, socioemocionalne klime, te terapijske
komunikacije između medicinske sestre i bolesnika važni su preduvjeti za postizanje
sestrinskih ciljeva u skrbi za kronično oboljele bolesnike, čiju osnovnu bolest vrlo često prate
i psihološke promjene, koje dodatno otežavaju osnovnu bolest.
Abstract (english) Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect any part of the
gastrointestinal tract, but most commonly the small intestine, i.e. the terminal ileum, less
frequently the colon. Many compare the Crohn's disease to the ulcerative colitis. Both are
inflammatory bowel diseases, however the difference is that in ulcerative colitis pathological
changes primarily affect the mucous membrane while in Crohn's disease the mucosa and
submucosa are affected, and it penetrates into the deeper layers of the wall.
The course of the disease is highly variable, with many remissions and relapses, the various
manifestations of the disease, frequent perianal, intestinal, extraintestinal complications, and
frequent recurrence after surgical resection of the diseased segment of intestine.
The cause of Crohn's disease is unknown, but is suspected to contribute to hereditary
characteristics. Although considered long-term and chronic, treatment for Crohn’s disease can
be kept under control and long periods without symptoms can be achieved. Many patients
lead a quality and fulfilled life regardless of the symptoms and the disease.
The role of nurses in the care of chronically ill people are very broad scale, starting primarily
from the appropriate communication skills, to the more complex process of nursing care for
such patients. It requires a lot of knowledge, patience and empathy to work with such
patients.The creation of a therapeutic relationship, socioemotional climate, and therapeutic
communication between nurses and patients are important prerequisites for achieving the
goals of nursing in the care of chronically ill patients whose underlying disease is often
accompanied by psychological changes, which further complicate the underlying disease.
Crohnova bolest
medicinska sestra
psihološka potpora
edukacija pacijenata
proces zdravstvene njege
Keywords (english)
Crohn's disease
a nurse
psychological support
patient education
health caren gemunden process
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:106730
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-11-29 14:56:44