Title Celijakija kod djece
Title (english) Celiac disease in children
Author Ana Leš Bralić
Mentor Ivana Živoder (mentor)
Committee member Damir Poljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2017-02-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Celijakija je genetska bolest i obilježena je trajnom nepodnošljivošću na gluten koji je sastojak pšenice, ječma i raži te njihovih derivata. U Republici Hrvatskoj ima relativno malo istraživanja o celijakiji, pa ne postoje konkretni podatci o udjelu stanovništva koje boluje od ove bolesti. Kako bi spriječili veće zdravstvene probleme potrebno je kontinuirano educirati roditelje i zdravstvene djelatnike o ovoj bolesti. Od ove bolesti može se oboljeti u bilo kojoj životnoj dobi, no najčešće se pojavljuje u dječjoj dobi prilikom prelaska na prehranu koja sadrži gluten. U samom liječenju je važno da se osoba pridržava bezglutenske prehrane jer i najmanje uzimanje glutena može dovesti do neželjenih komplikacija. Pri tome je važno dobro educirati roditelje kako bi znali primjenjivati adekvatnu prehranu.
Bolest se dijagnosticira na temelju biopsije sluznice tankog crijeva i pozitivnog kliničkog odgovora na isključenje glutena iz prehrane. Prognoza celijakije, ako se rano otkrije i pridržava bezglutenske prehrane je vrlo dobra.
U radu je provedeno istraživanje sa ciljem da se utvrdi koji spol više boluje od celijakije, koji su bili značajni simptomi koji su roditelji primijetili kod oboljele djece, učinak dojenja na celijakiju te da li je vrijeme uvođenja glutena u prehrani bio značajan za razvoj bolesti. Također se pokušalo utvrditi da li se djeca oboljela od celijakije osjećaju stigmatizirano i koji postotak predškolske djece s celijakijom pohađa vrtić.
U anketi je sudjelovalo 119 sudionika, a dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da je 62,2% anketirane djece oboljele od celijakije ženskog spola, većina djece nema komplikacije (77,3% ), a komplikacije su se pokazale veće kod djece koja su počela uvoditi gluten prije navršenih 6 mjeseci djetetova života. Mali postotak djece pohađa vrtiće ( 24% ), a većina vrtića ( 61,3% ) ne priprema obroke za oboljele od celijakije.
Abstract (english) Celiac disease is a genetic disease characterized by the permanent abnormal response to gluten which is an ingredient of wheat, barley and rye, and derivatives thereof. The Republic of Croatia has relatively little research on celiac disease, so there is no concrete data on the size of the population that suffers from this disease. To prevent major health problems it is necessary to continuously educate parents and medical staff about this disease. Celiac disease can develop at any age, but its symptoms are usually found in children that are introduced to a diet that contains gluten.
The treatment for celiac disease is lifelong adherence to a strict gluten-free diet, because even small amounts of gluten can possibly lead to unwanted complications. It is important to properly educate parents so that they know how to apply adequate nutrition.
The disease is diagnosed based on biopsy of the lining of the small intestine, and also on a positive clinical response to the exclusion of gluten from the diet. Weather celiac disease, if detected early and adhere to a gluten-free diet is very good.
In this paper, the research was conducted in order to determine which gender is more susceptible to celiac disease, which significant symptoms were noticed among children, the effect of breastfeeding on celiac disease and whether the time of gluten introduction in the diet was important for the development of the disease. The subject of research was also whether the children suffering from celiac disease feel stigmatized and determining the percentage of preschool children with celiac disease attending kindergarten.
The survey included 119 participants, and the results show that 62.2% of surveyed children suffering from celiac disease are female, most children had no complications (77.3%), and complications are higher in children who have started to introduce gluten before the age of 6 months. A small percentage of children is attending kindergartens (24%), and most kindergartens (61.3%) do not prepare meals for gluten free diet.
bezglutenska prehrana
Keywords (english)
celiac disease
gluten-free diet
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:902078
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-03-16 16:11:39