Title Komunikacijski aspekt ukrašavanja tijela u zapadnoj kulturi
Title (english) The communication aspect of decorating the body in western culture
Author Nikolina Dadić
Mentor Ljubica Bakić-Tomić (mentor)
Committee member Ljubica Bakić-Tomić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Majda Tafra-Vlahović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljerka Luić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Communicology and Public Relations) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2017-04-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Ukrašavanje tijela kroz povijest imalo je različita značenja, bilo religijska, ritualna ili estetska, neovisno o stupnju civilizacijskog razvoja, kulturi i kontinentu. Ukrašavanje se održalo do danas, a tijekom različitih povijesnih razdoblja bilo je podložno modi i trendovima, jednako kao i odjeća, obuća ili frizura.
Još uvijek postoje predrasude koje kod nekih osoba izazivaju odbojnost što se tiče ljudi koji nose tetovaže ili ukrase i u čistoj suprotnosti su sa jednim liberalnim pogledom na svijet koji bi trebao biti prisutan i jamčiti ljudima slobodu izbora. Tek u skorašnje vrijeme je psihologija počela mijenjati klasifikaciju ljudi koji su "označeni" iz problematične, neprihvatljive, društveno marginalne u nešto normalno.
Sve više svjedočimo društveno-kulturološkom fenomenu ukrašavanja tijela tetoviranjem i/ili piercingom, koji se širi suvremenim svijetom poput epidemije. Iako tetoviranje i piercing još uvijek nisu u potpunosti društveno prihvaćeni, osobe koje se na njih odlučuju nerijetko se suočavaju s predrasudama vezanim uz pojmove primitivnosti i/ili društvene nepoćudnosti. Ipak, tetoviranje i piercing postaju dio svakodnevice, na njih se odlučuje sve više osoba, neovisno o spolu, dobi, društvenom statusu, stupnju obrazovanja, imućnosti i sl.
Provedeno istraživanje pokazuje da ne postoje predrasude i negativni stavovi mladih ljudi prema ukrašavanju tijela tetoviranje, da se više tetoviraju muškarci nego žene, te mlađi ljudi do 30 godina starosti. Komunikacija ukrašavanjem tijela je simbolička, a simboli koji se koriste za tetovaže su najrazličitiji (od simbola prirode do vjerskih simbola).
Abstract (english) Body Art historically had different meanings, whether religious, ritual or aesthetic, regardless of the development of civilization, culture and continent. Decoration was held until today, and during different historical periods were subject to fashion and trends, as well as clothing, shoes or hair styles.
The reason for choosing this theme is the perception of "modern man" about decorating the body. As discussed in the section Defining the problem, there are still prejudices in some people cause aversion as far as the people who wear tattoos or beautify and clean in contrast to the one liberal view of the world that should be present and to guarantee people the freedom of choice. Only in recent times has psychology begun to change the classification of people who are "marked" from problematic, unacceptable, socially marginal to something normal.
Increasingly witnessing the socio-cultural phenomenon of decorating the body tattooing and / or piercing, that spreads the modern world like an epidemic. Although tattoos and piercings are not yet fully accepted socially, people who are on their decisions often are faced with prejudice related terms primitiveness and / or social undesirability. However, tattooing and piercing are becoming part of everyday life, they are deciding more and more people, regardless of gender, age, social status, education level, etc. of wealth.
The research shows that there are no prejudices and negative attitudes of young people towards decorating the body tattooing, the tattoo more men than women, and young people under 30 years of age. Communication decorating the body is symbolic, and symbols to be used for tattoos are the most diverse (of the symbols of nature to religious symbols).
neverbalna komunikacija
ukrašavanje tijela
zapadna kultura
Keywords (english)
nonverbal communication
body art
west culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:611114
Study programme Title: Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima (magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-06-13 13:37:31