Abstract | Prema Međunarodnom društvu za kontinenciju, inkontinencija se definira kao pritužba na svako nehotimično istjecanje urina. Otprilike sto milijuna starijih ljudi pati od inkontinencije mokraće. Razlog tome je što je ona učestalija porastom životne dobi. U starijoj dobi dolazi do promjena u funkciji stanica, u kontroli središnjega živčanog sustava, hormonalnog balansa i imunološkog odgovora organizma. Starije osobe žele više informacija o kontroli mjehura, a medicinske sestre moraju preuzeti vodeću ulogu u primjeni pristupa promicanju kontinencije i obrazovanju javnosti o zdravlju u svezi urinarne inkontinencije. Medicinske sestre u svim aktivnostima sa starijim odraslim osobama trebaju procijeniti podatke koji se odnose na kontrolu urina, te je također potrebno provoditi sestrinske intervencije koje potiču kontinenciju. Inkontinencija je klasificirana kao prolazna (akutna) ili kronična. Prolazna inkontinencija ima iznenadan početak, prisutna je 6 mjeseci ili manje, a obično je uzrokovana čimbenicima koji se mogu liječiti. Kronična urinarna inkontinencija dijeli se na sljedeće vrste: urgentna, stresna, preljevna, funkcionalna, miješana i refleksna inkontinencija. Stresna, funkcionalna i urgentna su najčešće inkontinencije mokraće koje se javljaju u starijoj životnoj dobi. Osobe koje pate od problema inkontinencije urina potrebno je pomno ispitati, a svaki pacijent se individualno i cjelovito obrađuje. Liječenju urinarne inkontinencije potrebno je pristupiti multidisciplinarno. Ovaj javnozdravstveni problem svakodnevno utječe na kvalitetu života pojedinca, pa je stoga pravodobno i planirano liječenje vrlo važno. Liječenje se može provoditi konzervativnim, kirurškim i medikamentoznim metodama, a sve u cilju smanjenja simptoma i komplikacija, te potpuno izlječenje inkontinencije mokraće. Medicinska sestra je član zdravstvenog tima koji je u stalnom kontaktu s pacijentom. U cjelokupnom procesu izlječenja, sestra je tu da mu pruži psihičku potporu. Osim toga, educira osobu i njegovu obitelj o svim simptomima inkontinencije, mogućim komplikacijama i izlječenju iste. Tijekom procesa zdravstvene njege, utvrđuje potrebu za zdravstvenom njegom, i na temelju toga provodi individualne intervencije koje će pomoći pojedincu u uspostavljanju kontinencije, kontroli inkontinencije i podizanju kvalitete njegova života. |
Abstract (english) | According to the International Society for Continence, incontinence is defined as a complaint to any unintentionally urine leakage. Approximately one hundred million older people suffer from urinary incontinence. The reason being that it is more frequent with the increase of age. At an older age there are some changes in cell function, central nervous system control, hormonal balance and immune response of the organism. Elderly people want more information on bladder control, and nurses have to take on the leading role in applying the approach of promoting continence and educating the public about urinary incontinence. Nurses in all activities with older adults need to evaluate urine control data, and it is also necessary to carry out nursing interventions that stimulate continence. Incontinence is classified as acute or chronic. Acute incontinence has a sudden start, is present for 6 months or less, and is usually caused by factors that can be treated. Chronic urinary incontinence may have a sudden or gradual start of the disease and is divided into the following types: urgent, stress, overwhelming, functional, mixed and reflex incontinence. Stressed, functional and urgent are the most common urinary incontinence occurring that in older age. People suffering from urinary incontinence problems need to be thoroughly examined and each patient is treated individually and thoroughly. Multidisciplinary approach is required in the treatment of urinary incontinence. This public health problem has an impact on the quality of life of an individual every day, so timely and planned treatment is very important. Treatment can be performed by conservative, surgical and medication methods, all in order to reduce the symptoms and complications, and completely cure urinary incontinence. The nurse is a member of a health team who is in constant contact with the patient. In the entire healing process, the nurse is there to give him psychic support. In addition, she educates the person and his family about all the symptoms of incontinence, possible complications and healing of the same. In addition, it educates the person and his family about all the symptoms of incontinence, possible complications and healing. During the health care process, she determines the need for health care, and on that basis carries out individual interventions which will help the individual to establish continence, control incontinence, and raise the quality of his life. |