Title Medicinske sestre i emocionalni doživljaji starijih osoba koje žive u domu za starije i nemoćne osobe
Title (english) Nurses and emotional experiences of older people living in a nursing home
Author Marijana Puljić
Mentor Melita Sajko (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Sajko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Poljak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2017-06-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Starost je normalni dio života koji ne zadrživo dolazi nakon perioda u kojem dominira rast i
razvoj. Nastupaju procesi razgradnje, počinje starost. Problemi starenja mogu se analizirati sa
više aspekata, u gerontosociopsihologiji istražuje se emocionalnost starijih osoba.
Demografsko starenje ili promjene u dobnoj strukturi stanovništva, očituje se smanjenim
brojem mladih i povećanjem broja starih u populaciji. Dobna struktura hrvatskog pučanstva
mijenja se iz godine u godinu, svakim danom hrvatsko stanovništvo je sve starije i starije.
Cilj i problemi istraživanja su: upoznati, analizirati i prikazati emocionalne probleme starijih
osoba koje žive u domu umirovljenika, prikazati zastupljenost pojedinih emocija u njihovom
emotivnom životu, pronaći eventualne mogućnosti za rješavanje emocionalnih problema
starih osoba.
Za analizu emocionalnih problema starih ljudi anketirano je 100 ispitanika, korisnika doma za
starije i nemoćne osobe. Druga skupina čini profesionalno osoblje (N=50) koje radi u domu te
je generacijski znatno mlađe. Instrumenti koji su korišteni u istraživanju su Kratko ispitivanje
mentalnog statusa – MMSE2
(Marshal F.Folstein, Susan E.Folstein, TravisWhite, MElissa
A.Messer, ur.hrv.izdanja prof.dr.sc.Vlado Jukić) i upitnik (autor upitnika Marijana Puljić uz
konzultaciju prof. Volge Škvorinić – klinička psihologinja i dr. Borne Josipa Godana –
specijalist psihijatrije).
Od ukupno 100 (N=100) ispitanika korisnika doma većina je u dobi između 80 i 90 godina
(65%). Prosječno trajanje boravka ispitanika (N=100) u domu umirovljenika je 4 godine,
dakle to su dobro adaptirane osobe na uvjete života u domu umirovljenika.
Psihičko stanje korisnika doma prema procjeni medicinskog osoblja je vrlo dobro jer 80%
ispitanika pokazuje vrlo stabilno psihičko stanje.
Subjektivna ocjena kvalitete života ispitanika prema zadovoljstvu sa sadašnjim životom
također je zadovoljavajuća. Od 100 ispitanika (78%) dalo je odgovor da su prilično zadovoljni
sa sadašnjim životom.
Abstract (english) Getting old or aging is one of the natural part of life that is coming after the period where
growing up and development are more dominated. In this period, the processes of the
development are stopping and starting to regress, this is very popular as „getting old“term in
everyday life. Problems of aging people can be analysed over more aspects, but in geronto
the emotional state of the old persons is the principal object of study.
Demographic age of population or changes in the age structure of citizenships are represented
by decreasing number of young people and increasing number of old people in the global
population. Age structure of Croatian citizenships is changing from year to year, and every
day Croatians people is increasingly getting older.
The objective and problems of this research are : recognize, analyse and show emotional
problems of old persons living in the nursing home, to show the presence of some special
emotions in their emotional life, to find out eventual possibilities for resolving of their
emotional problems.
For analyse of emotional problems of old persons, the survey was done on sample of 100
analysed persons, that are all living in the nursing home. Other section of analysed persons is
professional medical persons (N=50) that are working in the nursing home and that are much
younger. Instruments that were used in this research are Short survey of mental status
(Marshal F.Folstein, Susan E.Folstein, TravisWhite, MElissa A.Messer, in croatian edition
prof.dr.sc.Vlado Jukić) and survey (author of survey Marijana Puljić with consultation of
prof. Volge Škvorinić – clinical psychologist and dr. Borna Josipa Godana – psychiatric
From totally 100 analysed persons (N=100) in the nursing home, most of them are in the age
80 and 90 years (65%). Average of their staying (N=100) in the nursing home is 4
years, so the conclusion is that those are very good adapted old persons to the conditions in
the nursing home.
Psychical state of persons living in nursing home, according to the analyse of medical
personnel, is very good, as 80% of analysed old persons are showing very stable psychical
Subjective analyse of life quality of those samples of analysed peoples comparing the
satisfaction with their actual life is also satisfying. From 100 analysed people (78%) of them
gave answer that they are quite satisfied with their lives today.
stare osobe
kvaliteta života
dom umirovljenika
emocije i subjektivna procjena kvaliteta života
Keywords (english)
Old persons
getting old
life quality
nursing home
emotions and subjective analyse of life quality
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:891466
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-11-29 11:59:11