Title Značaj malog poduzetništva u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) The importance of small entrepreneurship in Croatia
Author Manuela Pantaler
Mentor Goran Kozina (mentor)
Committee member Ante Rončević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anica Hunjet (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2018-03-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract U radu se istražuje sektor malog gospodarstva, odnosno malo poduzetništvo Republike Hrvatske. Poduzetništvo je razvojna snaga svakog gospodarstva i temelj uspješnosti pojedine države. Poduzetništvo stalno teži novom i nikad se ne miri s postojećim. U modernom poduzetništvu stoji mišljenje da ono što je danas dobro, da već sutra nije. I zato se poduzetništvo smatra dinamičnim i zahtjevnim procesom. Uspješan poduzetnik je onaj koji teži k boljem, koji ima ideje, ne miri se s postojećim stanjem i traži rješenja za društveni napredak.
Ulaskom u poduzetništvo i započinjanjem bilo kakvog novog posla, preuzima se rizik. Poduzetnici pretvaraju male ideje u veliki posao i pri tome koriste vlastita, ali i tuđa, novčana i robna sredstva. Uspješan poduzetnik je onaj koji ideju provede u djelo. Mala i srednja poduzeća predstavljaju gotovo većinu svih registriranih poduzeća. Oni su pokretači razvoja i inovacija. Mali poduzetnici svoje snove ostvaruju kroz osnivanje vlastitih obrta ili trgovačkih društva. Zbog malih poduzeća se povećava zaposlenost, smanjuje nezaposlenost, pridonosi se povećanju konkurencije gospodarstva i zbog toga su od iznimne važnosti. Osnovni cilj poduzeća je ostvariti prihode koji će biti veći od ukupnih troškova poslovanja, tj. profit. Profit je poduzetniku osnovni motiv i cilj zbog kojeg se odlučio baviti riskantnim poduzetničkim aktivnostima. Iako su značajni za rast i razvoj ukupnog gospodarstva, susreću se s mnogobrojnim problemima, od kojih se posebno ističu problemi u financijskom sustavu zbog čega mnoga poduzeća bankrotiraju.
Abstract (english) This paper explores the small business sector, i.e. small entrepreneurship of the Republic of Croatia. Entrepreneurship is a developing power of each economy and it is a foundation of the success of every individual country. The enterprise constantly seeks something new and it is never satisfied with the existing. There is an opinion in the modern entrepreneurship that what is good today- tomorrow is not. And that's why entrepreneurship is considered dynamic and demanding process. A successful entrepreneur is one who seeks better, who has ideas, who is not settling with an existing conditions and always searches for solutions to social progress.
When starting any new business and joining enterprise, there is always a risk. Entrepreneurs are turning a small idea into a big business, using their own, but also, other people's monetary and commodity funds. A successful entrepreneur is one who turns an idea into business. Small and medium-sized enterprises represent almost the majority of all registered enterprises. They are the engines of development and innovation. Small entrepreneurs make their dreams come true through the establishment of their own craft or trade societies. Because of small businesses the employment is increasing, unemployment is reducing, contributing to the increase of the competition of economy and, therefore, are of the utmost importance. The basic aim of the company is to achieve the revenues that will be larger than the total costs of the operations, i.e., profit. Profit is for an entrepreneur a basic motive and aim for which he decided to deal with risky entrepreneurial activities. Even though they are important for the growth and development of the overall economy, they are faced with numerous problems, among which the problems in the financial system stand out due to which many end up in bankruptcy.
malo gospodarstvo
Keywords (english)
small business
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:572670
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-03-21 13:48:34