Title Primjena teorije igara na primjeru Akselrodovog teorema
Title (english) Axelrod's theorem example in Game theory
Author Ivana Žic
Mentor Damira Đukec (mentor)
Committee member Ante Rončević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dinko Primorac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damira Đukec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2018-04-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Quantitative Economics
Abstract Tema diplomskog rada je „Primjena teorije igara na primjeru Axelrodovog teorema. Teorija
igara je dio područja unutar ekonomije i bavi se analiziranjem strateških problema u različitim
okruženjima. Teoriju igara nailazimo u obiteljskim svađama, podizanju cijena, bračnim
odlukama, izboru glavnog tajnika UN-a, korištenju prirodnih resursa i raznim drugim
područjima. Budući da postoji sve veća potreba da se objasne prirodne pojave, međuljudski
odnosi i poslovanje raste i potreba za razvojem teorije igara. To je disciplina koja se prikazuje
matematičkim modelima.
Osnovna ideja ovog rada je dokazati i obrazložiti primjer Akselrodovog modela, te prikazati
kako program radi. Akselrodov model je igra koja se zasniva na Zatvorenikovoj dvojbi sa
ponavljanjima kako bi se dobila što bolja strategija za daljnje djelovanje.
Praktičan dio diplomskog rada napisan je objektno orijentiranim jezikom JavaScript. JavaScript
je jednostavan programski jezik koji se može izvoditi preko preglednika ili online programa, te
nisu potrebne dodatne datoteke i programi. Akselrodov teorem je implementiran u 6 strategija.
Korištene strategije su ALLC, ALLD, TESTER, JOSS, RANDOM i TFT.
Zbog lakšeg praćenja i zbrajanja pobjednika bodovana je samo suradnja koja se dogodila između
obje strategije, a nesuradnja i polovična suradnja nisu bodovane. Kako bi bili sigurni da su sve
strategije međusobno suočene jedna s drugom te kako bi dobili što bolji uvid u točnost rezultata
odabrano je 90 000 iteracija. Na osnovu testiranja i dobivenih rezultata doneseni su zaključci koji
potvrđuju Akelrodov teorem.
Abstract (english) The theme of this thesis is "The Axelrods theorem example in Game theory". Game theory is
the branch within the economy and deals with the analysis of strategic problems in different
environments. Game theory we can found in family quarrels, raising the price, double the
decisions, the selection of the Secretary General of the UN, the use of natural resources and
various other areas. Given that there is an increasing need to explain the processes of nature,
human relations and business is growing need for the development of game theory. It is a
discipline that is presented the mathematical models.
The basic idea of this paper is to demonstrate and explain the example Akselrodovog models,
and show how the program works. Axelrodov model is a game that is essentially based on the
Prisoner's dilemma with repetitions in order to obtain the best possible strategy for further action.
Practical part of thesis written in object-oriented language JavaScript. JavaScript is a simple
programming language that can run through the browser or online programs, and no additional
files and programs. Akselrodov theorem is implemented with six strategies. Used strategies are
In order to facilitate monitoring and aggregation winner, scored the only collaboration that took
place between both strategies, non-cooperation and half collaboration are not marked. To
ensure that all strategies with each other face to each other and to get a better insight into the
accuracy of the results selected 90 000 iterations. Based on the tests and the results obtained have
been adopted conclusions confirming Akelrodov theorem.
zatvorenikova dvojba
teorija igara
Nashova ravnoteža
Akselrodov teorem
Keywords (english)
game theory
Nash equilibrium
Axelrod theorem
prisoner's dilemma
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:564155
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-05-24 11:13:11