Title Novi načini poslovanja banaka na primjeru Zagrebačke banke d.d.
Title (english) The new ways of doing business in banking sector on example of the Zagrebačka bank
Author Ivan Maričić
Mentor Ante Rončević (mentor)
Committee member Anica Hunjet (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Damira Đukec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Rončević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2018-04-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Accounting
Abstract Četvrta industrijska revolucija (Industrija 4.0) ili integrirana industrija internet stvari i internet usluga postaje sastavni dio poslovanja svakog poduzeća. Automatizacijom proizvodnih linija, međusobnom komunikacijom strojeva, kompjuterskom obradom velikih količina podataka, korištenjem „smart“ stvari većina ljudi ostaje bez poslova, ali isto tako stvaraju se nova radna mjesta i nova poslovna riješenja. Primjer takvog poslovanja je FinTech ili financijska tehnologija koja danas ima vodeću ulogu u transformaciji bankarstva. Rast financijskih tržišta, bilo volumenom ili brojem korisnika, uvelike je utjecao na poslovanje banaka. Najnoviji fokus je na FinTech tehnologiji koja spaja tehnologiju s uslugama banaka. FinTech je postala sastavni dio bankarstva, a danas su se banke počele natjecati i s rastućom konkurencijom nefinancijskih institucija koje isto tako pružaju, na primjer, usluge platnog prometa (podizanje gotovine u Pošti ili kioscima Tiska). Od banaka se očekuje da mijenjaju svoje dosadašnje načine poslovanja, distribuciju usluga i prihvate i druge kanale isporuke usluga. Dok jedni FinTech vide kao konkurenciju, drugi je vide kao priliku – priliku za poslovnom suradnjom koja može pružiti veću fleksibilnost, bolju uslugu i sve to uz manje troškove. Komercijalne banke su prepoznale prednosti FinTech kompanija i svakodnevno razvijaju nove mogućnosti i usluge za svoje korisnike interent i mobilnog bankarstva. Kako kod svih ostalih banka tako je i kod Zagrebačke banke najzastupljenije internet i mobilno bankarstvo kao način poslovanja s bankom.
Abstract (english) The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) or Integrated industry of Internet Things and internet services is becoming the main part of every company and its activities. Using automatization of production lines, mutual communication of machines, using computers to process large quantities of information, using smart technology, most people are left without work and at the same time new working places are created as well as new working solutions. The example of that kind of management is FinTech or financial technology that today has the leading role in transformation of banking system. The growth of financial market, either by size or by the number of their clients, largely influenced the banking management. The latest focus is put on the fintech techology that connects the technology and the banking services. Fintech has become the main part of banking system and today banks compete with growing competition of non-financial institutions that provide, for example the payment services (withdrawal of money in post offices or at the newsagents). The banks are expected to change their usual ways of doing business, distribution of services and to accept other methods to provide services. While some see FinTech as a competition, the others see it as a chance for business cooperation that can provide better flexibility and better service with lower expenses. Commercial banks have recognized the benefits of FinTech companies and they develop new possibilities and services of internet and mobile banking for their clients on daily basis. Zagrebačka bank as well as all other banks mostly use the Internet and mobile banking in doing business with their clients.
Industrija 4.0
Internet stvari
Internet usluge
Veliki podaci
Cloud tehnologija
nove tehnologije
smart stvari
internet bankarstvo
mobilno bankarstvo
Zagrebačka banka
Keywords (english)
Industry 4.0
Internet Things
Internet services
Big Data
Cloud technology
new technology
smart things
internet banking
mobile banking
Zagrebačka bank
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:771432
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-06-01 13:39:00