Title Odluka o ulaganju u investicijski projekt na temelju pravila budžetiranja kapitala
Title (english) The decision of investment project based on the capital budgeting rules
Author Mirela Kožar
Mentor Ante Rončević (mentor)
Committee member Damira Đukec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dinko Primorac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Rončević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2018-04-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Tema je ovog diplomskog rada budžetiranje kapitala koje se odnosi na ispitivanje isplativosti investiranja u određeni projekt. Pritom su u teorijskom dijelu rada navedene i opisane metode budžetiranja kapitala, dok je u drugom dijeli na konkretnom primjeru ispitana učinkovitost spomenutih metoda. Konkretno, radi se o pet temeljnih metoda budžetiranja kapitala: razdoblje povrata, diskontirano razdoblje povrata, čista sadašnja vrijednost, interna stopa profitabilnosti, indeks profitabilnosti te kriterij anuiteta.
Konkretan primjer odnosi se na primjenu navedenih metoda u konkretnom ulaganju. Ispitivala se isplativost ulaganja u opremanje stana u Zagrebu i njegov dnevni najam, odnosno kupnja apartmana na moru i njegov najam u turističke svrhe. Prvo se metodama budžetiranja kapitala ispitivala isplativost ulaganja u svaki spomenuti projekt zajedno, a nakon toga se koristila komparativna analiza isplativosti ulaganja.
Provedenom analizom došlo se do zaključka da je isplativije kapital uložiti u preuređenje stana u Zagrebu te njegov dnevni najam. Naime, određene metode pokazale su neisplativost ulaganja u kupnju apartmana na moru, a komparativna analiza zorno je prikazala bolju isplativost ulaganja u stan u Zagrebu.
Da bi se došlo do zaključka, u radu se koristila brojna stručna literatura u kojoj se objašnjava korištenje metoda budžetiranja kapitala te konkretni primjeri njihove upotrebe. Time se potvrdila hipoteza da je potrebna analiza financijskih pokazatelja na temelju kojih se može utvrditi je li ulaganje u pojedini projekt isplativo. Također, ispitivalo se i kretanje na tržištu, što je pomoglo u donošenju odluke, a čime se potvrdila i druga hipoteza iz uvodnoga dijela rada.
Abstract (english) The subject of this paper is capital budgeting, i.e. testing the effectiveness of investing in a particular project. In the theoretical part of this paper, there are methods of capital budgeting listed and described, while in the second part of the paper, the cost effectiveness of the said methods is tested on a concrete example. To be more specific, six basic capital budgeting methods are mentioned: recovery periodnet present value, Internal Rate of Return, profitability index and annuity criterion.
The concrete example refers to the application of the said methods to a specific investment. The example was testing the profitability of investment into furnishing an apartment in Zagreb and daily renting of that apartment, or buying an apartment at the Croatian coast and renting it to tourists. At first, the cost effectiveness of each project mentioned was tested using the budgeting methods, and then the comparative analysis of the profitability was used.
By using the analysis, a conclusion was reached that it would be more feasible to invest the capital into refurnishing an apartment in Zagreb and using it for daily rent. Namely, certain methods have shown ineffectiveness of buying an apartment at the Croatian coast, and the comparative analysis has clearly shown better profitability of investing into an apartment in Zagreb.
In order to reach a conclusion, many reference works were used where using capital budgeting methods is explained and concrete examples of their use are listed. The hypothesis was confirmed: the analysis of financial indicators is needed in order to determine if the investment in a certain project would be profitable. Also, market trends were examined, which helped with decision making, and which also confirmed the second hypothesis from the introduction of the paper.
Razdoblje povrata
Čista sadašnja vrijednost
Diskontirano razdoblje
Indeks profitabilnosti
Interna stopa profitabilnosti
Novčani tok
Rezidualna vrijednost
Keywords (english)
Return period
Pure current value
Discounted period
Profitabillity index
Internal rate od profitabillity
Cash flow
Rezidual value
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:577280
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-06-15 09:47:40