Abstract | Sam drevni naziv "bijela smrt", koji je pridan tuberkulozi, govori o njenom karakteru i percepciji populacije o bolesti. Tuberkulozu se definira kao zaraznu bolest, najčešće uzrokovanu bakterijom Mycobacterium tuberculosis, koja u većini zahvaća pluća, no može se manifestirati i na drugim organima. Bolest se prenosi kapljičnim putem, od čovjeka na čovjeka, i to prilikom kašljanja, kihanja, govora, pljuvanja ili smijanja osobe kod koje je prisutna aktivna klica tuberkuloze. Mogućnost oboljenja prisutna je kod svake osobe koja je u kontaktu s kliconošom, no povećan rizik za oboljenje imaju stariji, djeca, osobe s bolestima i stanjima oslabljenog imunološkog odgovora, kronični bolesnici, osobe koje žive u lošim socijalnim uvjetima, osobe koje žive i rade u okolini s osobama koje boluju od tuberkuloze ili su aktivni kliconoše, itd. Kao česti simptomi tuberkuloze pluća javljaju se kašalj, dispneja, gubitak apetita, pad na tjelesnoj težini, bol u prsima, povišena tjelesna temperatura, hemoptiza ili hemoptoa, ali se mogu javiti i drugi simptomi, ovisno o tome na kojem se organu ili sustavu bolest manifestirala. Postavljanje dijagnoze tuberkuloze pluća temelji se na uzetoj anamnezi, mikrobiološkim, radiološkim, biokemijskim i hematološkim pretragama, tuberkulinskom testu, fizikalnom nalazu i bronhoskopiji. Liječenje je dugotrajno, a provodi se s nekoliko antituberkulotika. Kod liječenja, naglasak je na redovitom uzimanju terapije, pridržavanju dobivenih uputa i redovnim kontrolnim pregledima. Uloga medicinske sestre/tehničara od iznimne je važnosti u skrbi osoba oboljelih od tuberkuloze pluća. Pacijenta i obitelj medicinska sestra/tehničar upućuje u zdravstveno stanje, educira o bolesti i načinima nošenja s novonastalom situacijom. U ovome preglednom završnom radu, opisana je anatomija pluća, incidencija tuberkuloze u svijetu i Hrvatskoj od povijesti do danas, prikazani su i rizični faktori za nastanak tuberkuloze, klasifikacija, simptomi, liječenje i dijagnostika bolesti. Osim navedenog, dio rada je i prikaz slučaja pacijenta oboljelog od tuberkuloze pluća s popratnim sestrinskim dijagnozama. Cilj rada je dati uvid u probleme s kojima se susreću pacijenti, ukazati na važnost edukacije oboljele, ali i zdrave populacije, te na važnost učinkovitog korištenja stručnog znanja i vještina kod medicinskih sestra/tehničara, čija je uloga esencijalna u procesu zbrinjavanja pacijenta. |
Abstract (english) | Historically, tuberculosis was referred to as the "White Death" which speaks of the character and the public perception of the disease. Tuberculosis is defined as an infectious disease, most commonly caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which frequently affects the lungs, but can also affect other organs.Tuberculosis is spread from person to person through the air, in airborne particles when people who have active tuberculosis cough, sneeze, speak, spit or laugh. Everyone who is in contact with the infected person is at risk of tuberculosis infection, however, the elderly, children, people with illnesses and conditions that weaken the immune system, patients with chronic conditions, people living in poor social conditions, people who live and work with persons who have developed the active disease or spread the bacteria, etc. are at a higher risk of infection.
Common symptoms of tuberculosis are coughing, dyspnea, loss of appetite, weight loss, chest pain, fever, hemoptysis or massive hemoptysis, but other symptoms may occur, depending on which organ or organ systems have been affected. The diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is based on taking the patient’s a medical history, microbiological, radiological, biochemical examinations, hematology tests, the tuberculin test, physical examination and bronchoscopy.The treatment lasts for a longer time and involves several anti-TB drugs. In treatment it’s important to take the drugs regularly, follow the instructions and do regular checkups. The nurse’s role is vital in the care of people suffering from lung tuberculosis.The nurse informs the patient and the familyabout the patient's health condition, educates them about the disease and the ways of dealing with the current situation.
This comprehensive Bachelor thesisdeals with the lung anatomy, the incidence of tuberculosis around the world and in Croatia in the past and today, and the risk factors for TB infection, classification, symptoms, treatment and diagnosis of the disease. In addition, a part of the paper is a case study of a patient suffering from lung tuberculosis with accompanying nursing diagnoses.
The aim of the paper is to provide insight into problems that tuberculosis patients encounter, to point out the importance of educating the infected, but also the healthy population, and the importance of putting nurses' professional knowledge and skills to good use, because they have a vital role is in the patients’ care and treatment. |