Abstract | Spolno prenosive bolesti već su dulje vrijeme zdravstveni problem u većem dijelu svijeta. Godišnje u svijetu obolijeva 300-350 milijuna ljudi, a dvije trećine oboljelih mlađe je od 25 godina. Virusne spolno prenosive bolesti obrađene u ovom radu su humani papiloma virus (HPV), virus humane imunodeficijencije (HIV), virus hepatitisa B i herpes simpleks virus. Brzina širenja infekcije ovisi o prosječnom broju inficiranih od jedne osobe, a to opet ovisi o učinkovitosti prenošenja, o načinu spolnog odnosa, o broju seksualnih partnera te od prosječne dužine perioda zaraze. Najveći problem kod spolno prenosivih bolesti su komplikacije i posljedice nastale infekcijom. Cilj sigurnog spolnog odnosa je zaštita od spolno prenosivih bolesti i zaštita od neplanirane i neželjene trudnoće. Nažalost, danas ne postoji samo jedna vrsta kontracepcije koja ispunjava obje svrhe.
Putem provedenog anketnog upitnika analizirano je znanje isključivo studenata studija sestrinstva o virusnim spolno prenosivim bolestima i odgovornom spolnom ponašanju. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online Google obrasca u razdoblju od 5. do 12. ožujka 2019., a sastojalo se od 33 anketnih pitanja. Ovim istraživanjem željelo se dokazati da su spolno prenosive bolesti jedan od najvažnijih javnozdravstvenih problema današnjice koje značajno utječu na kvalitetu života populacije te se želi ukazati važnost stalne edukacije i prevencije prijenosa spolno prenosivih bolesti, kako kod studenata osobno tako i ostalih ljudi s kojima će studenti studija sestrinstva cijeli radni vijek biti u kontaktu. U istraživanju prevladavaju osobe ženskog spola 439 (84,4 %) od sveukupno 520 sudionika. Najviše sudionika, točnije 334 (64,2 %) je u dobi od 19 do 24 godine starosti. Najveći broj sudionika bili su studenti 3. godine preddiplomskog studija, točnije njih 197 (37,9 %). Možemo zaključiti kako je najčešća dob stupanja u prvi spolni odnos između 15-17 godina (48,8 %), a kao kontracepcija najviše se koristi prezervativ (43,5 %). Ukupno 198 (38,1 %) studenta smatra da je prijenos HIV-a fekooralni put, a 12 (2,3 %) prijenos zrakom. Čak 210 (40,4 %) studenata ne zna važne pojedinosti o putu prijenosa HIV-a, kao i da lijek za potpuno izlječenje HIV-a za sada ne postoji, što ne zna 228 (43, 8%) sudionika. Potrebno je unaprijediti znanje studenata kako bi stekli barem osnovna znanja o virusnim spolno prenosivim uzročnicima i bolestima, posebice jer je ovo istraživanje dokazalo manjak znanja o osnovnim značajkama spolno prenosivih bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have been a significant global health problem for a long time. Approximately 300-350 million people in the world get infected by sexually transmitted diseases every year; and two thirds of them are under the age of 25. The viral sexually transmitted diseases discussed in this thesis are human papillomavirus (HPV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus and herpes simplex virus. The rate of infection spread depends on the average number of people infected, which depends on the effectiveness of transmission, on the type of sexual intercourse, on the number of sexual partners, and on the average length of the infection period. The biggest difficulties in coping with sexually transmitted diseases are complications and the consequences of infection. The safe sex goal is the protection against STDs and protection against unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. Nonetheless, the unique contraception type that could fulfil both purposes is still unavailable.
In the conducted questionnaire survey, the knowledge of nursing students on viral sexually transmitted diseases and responsible sexual behaviour was analysed. The research consisting of 33 questions questionnaire was conducted online, Google Forms were used as a survey tool; and the study was conducted from March 5 to March 12, 2019. The research was intended to prove that STDs are one of the most important public health problems of today that have a significant impact on the quality of life of the population and aimed to point out the importance of on-going education and prevention of the transmission of STDs – both of students themselves and other people with whom the nursing students will be in contact during their working life.
In the research, 439 (84.4%) of 520 participants are women. Most participants, 334 of them (64.2%) are between the age of 19 and 24. The most of participants are the 3rd year of nursing study, i.e. 197 (37.9%). We can conclude that the most common age of getting into the first sex experience is between 15 and 17 (48.8%), and the most commonly used contraceptives are condoms (43.5%). Significant number of students, more specifically 198 (38.1%) of them, believe that the HIV is transmitted via fecal-oral route and 12 (2.3%) that HIV is transmitted by air. As many as 210 (40.4%) of students do not know the important details of the HIV transmission pathway, nor the fact that there are no effective treatment methods for HIV yet, which is unknown by 228 (43.8%) participants. Therefore, it is pivotal to improve the knowledge of nursing students in order to acquire at least basic knowledge of viral sexually transmitted causes and diseases, especially given that this research has shown the lack of knowledge of the basic features of sexually transmitted diseases. |