Abstract | Demencija je sindrom uzrokovan oštećenjem mozga čija posljedica je oštećenje
kortikalnih funkcija što se očituje poremećajem pamćenja, mišljenja, orijentacije, shvaćanja,
računanja te sposobnosti učenja i rasuđivanja. Demencija je zajednički naziv za grupu simptoma
te se ne radi o jednoj, specifičnoj bolesti. Narušena funkcija mozga utječe na normalni društveni
i intelektualni život oboljele osobe. Postoji više vrsta demencije a grubo mogu se podijeliti
prema anatomskom oštećenju u mozgu. Oštećenje koje se javlja je progresivno i ireverzibilno,
prema tome demencija je smrtonosna odnosno neizlječiva bolesti. Vrlo je važno na vrijeme
uočiti simptome te pravovremena dijagnostika bolesti kako bi se mogla odgoditi terminalna faza
bolesti te se kod bolesnika održao što veći stupanj samostalnosti.
Osobe oboljele od demencije, naročito u terminalnoj fazi ovisne su o skrbi i njezi druge
osobe. Uznapredovala demencija onemogućava adekvatnu brigu sa sebe, odijevanje, hranjenje,
provođenje zdravstvene njege te komunikacije s okolinom. Najvažniju ulogu u liječenju i
zbrinjavanju bolesnika sa napredovalom demencijom ima palijativna medicina i palijativna skrb
čiji cilj nije ubrzavanje smrti ni produživanje života bolesnika već povećanje kvalitete života
osoba u terminalnoj fazi. Palijativna medicina i skrb ne bavi se bolešću od koje bolesnik boluje
već posljedicama te bolesti, znakovima i simptomima koji smanjuju kvalitetu života oboljele
osobe i njegove obitelji. Središte interesa članova palijativnog tima je povećanje kvalitete
preostalog života, olakšavanje simptoma te žalovanja. U tom procesu vrlo je važan medicinski
tim u čijem središtu se nalazi medicinska sestra koja najviše vremena provodi s pacijentom. Ona
pomaže pacijentu u obavljaju fizioloških potreba, svakodnevnih aktivnosti koje doprinose boljoj
kvaliteti života ili mirnoj smrti. Medicinska sestra ima nezamjenjivu ulogu i u pružanju
psihosocijalne pomoći i utjehe pacijentu ili i obitelji te je odgovorna je za planiranje, provođenje
i evaluaciju zdravstvene njege osoba oboljelih od demencije. |
Abstract (english) | Dementia is a syndrome caused by the destruction of the brain, with loss of cortical
functions as a result. It is manifested as a memory loss, cognitive disorder, orientation,
understanding, counting disorder as well as the inability of judgment and studying. Dementia is a
common name for a group of symptoms and it is not a single, specific disease. Disrupted brain
function affects both the social and intellectual life of an ill person. There are more types of
dementia that can be divided roughly by anatomical position of brain damage. Damage which
occurs is progressive and irreversible, and thus dementia is a deadly, untreatable disease. It is
very important to spot the symptoms and diagnose the disease early on so that a terminal phase
of the disease could be delayed, and the patients could be as independent as possible. Persons
with dementia, especially in the terminal phase, are dependent on other person's care. The
advanced phase of dementia prevents adequate self-care, dressing, feeding, conduction of
healthcare and communication with the surroundings. The most important role in the treatment
of the patient with advanced dementia lies with palliative medicine and palliative care, and their
purpose is not in extending a lifetime of the patient in the terminal phase, but rather the increased
quality of life. Palliative medicine and care are not interested in the disorder of the patient, but
rather in consequences of this particular disease, signs, and symptoms which decrease the quality
of life for both patients and their families. The main interest of the palliative team is increasing
the quality of rest of the patient's life, relief of the symptoms and ease of the mourning. In this
process, the medical team plays a key role, and the nurse which spends most of the time with the
patient is a center of that particular team. She helps the patient with preforming of his
physiological needs, daily activities which add up to his quality of life or a peaceful death. The
nurse has an irreplaceable role in giving psychological support and comfort to the patient and his
family. She is responsible for planning, carrying out and the evaluation of healthcare for the
patients with dementia, as well as respecting the patient as a person, preserving his dignity and
acting by the principles of a holistic approach. |