Title Kvaliteta života osobe sa stomom nakon operacije debelog crijeva
Title (english) The quality of life of a person with stoma after a colon cancer
Author Nina Guslov
Mentor Marijana Neuberg (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Herak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Pavan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2019-10-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Karcinom debelog crijeva danas je jedan od najvećih i vodećih zdravstvenih problema u svijetu kod oba spola, osobito u visokorazvijenim zemljama. U našoj zemlji zauzima po učestalosti drugo mjesto među zloćudnim bolestima, u muškaraca najviše iza raka pluća, a u žena iza sve češćeg raka dojke. Učestalost bolesti raste i udvostručuje se svakih deset godina nakon prijeđene 40. godine života. Preventivnim testovima i pregledima može se otkriti u ranoj fazi, ali nespremnost „zdravih“ osoba na takav oblik zaštite zdravlja rezultira postavljanjem dijagnoze tek nakon pojave simptoma kod dvije trećine pacijenata. Izbor liječenja ovisi o tipu, lokalizaciji i uznapredovalosti malignog procesa te je ono multidisciplinarno što znači da se u velike većine bolesnika primjenjuju više oblika liječenja (dva ili tri), odnosno najčešće nakon postupka kirurškog liječenja, bolesnik mora na kemoterapiju ili kombinaciju kemoterapije i zračenja.
Crijevna stoma je umjetno načinjen otvor nakon operacije (resekcije) dijela debelog crijeva koji je izveden na prednju trbušnu stijenku, pri čemu on zapravo ima funkciju rektuma kod bolesnika. Ne izvede li se adekvatnom kirurškom tehnikom, te ako se pravilno ne njeguje, javljaju se brojne komplikacije kod bolesnika. Iz tog razloga bitno je kvalitetno se posvetiti pravilnoj zdravstvenoj njezi kako bi bio što bolji i kraći oporavak takvog bolesnika. Osim uloge liječnika, od izuzetne važnosti su medicinske sestre i stomaterapeuti koji svojim znanjem educiraju bolesnika kako bi se što lakše adaptirao na novonastalu situaciju te imao što bolju kvalitetu života u budućnosti.
Procjena kvalitete života danas je sastavni dio evaluacije rehabilitacijskih i terapijskih postupaka. Kvaliteta života u najužem smislu definirala bi se kao sveukupno blagostanje na koje utječu objektivni pokazatelji i subjektivna percepcija osoba, te vrednovanje emocionalnog, tjelesnog, socijalnog i materijalnog blagostanja. Bolesnik bi trebao prihvatiti vještine i postupke koji će mu trebati tijekom cijeloga života te biti adekvatno i kvalitetno educiran o istima od strane medicinskog osoblja. Najveću važnost o kvaliteti života nakon operacije pridonosi obitelj koja je uz pacijenta veliku većinu vremena, potpora je i pomaže mu u danjim aspektima oporavka i života bolesnika.
Abstract (english) Colon cancer today is one of the largest and the leading health problems in the world in both sexes, particularly in highly developed countries. In our country occupies half the frequency of the second place among malignancies, in males the most behind lung cancer, and in the woman behind the increasing breast cancer. The incidence of the disease is growing and is doubled every ten years after you reach 40. Preventive tests and previews can be detected at an early stage, but the unwillingness of the "healthy" person in such form of health protection results in setting the diagnosis only after the onset of symptoms by two-thirds of the patients. The choice of treatment depends on the type, localization and advance of malignant processes, and is multidisciplinary, which means that in the great majority of patients apply multiple forms of treatment (two or three), or most commonly after the procedure of surgical treatment, the patient must do chemotherapy, or a combination of chemotherapy and radiation.
Intestinal stoma is an opening made artificially after surgery (resection) of part of the colon that is performed on the front abdominal wall, where he actually has the function of rectum in patients. If it's not performed in adequate surgical technique, and if it's not properly nurtured, there are numerous complications in patients. For this reason it is essential to devote the proper quality health care to make it better and shorter recovery of such patients. Apart from the role of the physician, of great importance are the nurses and enterostomal therapists that with their knowledge educate patients to adapted more easily to the new situation and had a better quality of life in the future.
Assessment of the quality of life today is an integral part of the evaluation of rehabilitation and therapeutic procedures. The quality of life in the narrowest sense, defined as overall well-being that are affected by objective indicators and subjective perception of the person, the evaluation of emotional, physical, social and material well-being. The patient should learn and take the skills and procedures that would take him throughout life, and be adequately and well educated about them by the medical staff. The greatest importance on the quality of life after the operation contributes to the family, who is with the patient's great most of the time, supports him and helps him in for future recovery and aspects of life of the patients.
karcinom debelog crijeva
kvaliteta života
Keywords (english)
colon cancer
quality of life
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:285360
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-10-25 13:22:30