Title Velikani hrvatskog sporta u promociji Hrvatske
Title (english) The greatest of Croatian sport in promoting Croatia
Author Zrinka Gašpardi
Mentor Dijana Vuković (mentor)
Committee member Željka Bagarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Globočnik Žunac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Vuković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Communicology and Public Relations) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-02-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Sport je jedna od bitnih sastavnica današnjice. Kao takav zauzeo je veliki prostor na tržištu kao zasebna cjelina koja se proteže kroz različite druge grane kao što su marketing, promocija, promidžba, brending, prodaja sportskih proizvoda itd. Sveprisutan je u društvu današnjice, a u Hrvatskoj je također ostavio traga i ostvario značajan utjecaj te će stoga u ovom radu biti riječi o velikanima hrvatskog sporta koji su od nemjerljivog značaja za promociju hrvatskog sporta, ali i Republike Hrvatske kao takve. Kako bi promocija bila uspješna uz nju idu brojni elementi marketinga. Stoga, na početku rada će se teorijski obrađivati područje samog marketinga i marketinga u sportu, a zatim marketinški miks. Zasebno će se obraditi marketinški miks koji obrađuje karakteristike samog sportskog proizvoda te sport u funkciji brendiranja države gdje sportaši svojim rezultatima pridonose promociji države te će se navesti neki primjeri hrvatskih velikana u sportu. U radu je obrađeno i istraživanje u kojem je cilj utvrditi učinkovitost marketinga u sportu kroz sponzorstvo, zatim utvrditi snagu utjecaja sporta na brendiranje države te utvrditi da vrhunski sportaši predstavljaju svojevrstan sportski proizvod. Glavni zaključak provedenog istraživanja govori da velikani hrvatskog sporta uvelike imaju ulogu u promociji Hrvatske dok sportski proizvod s logom ili potpisom igrača nije bitan pri kupnji od strane potrošača.
Abstract (english) Sport is one of the essential components of today. As such, it has taken up a large space in the market as a separate entity that extends through various other cereals such as marketing, promotion, publicity, branding, sales of sports products, etc. It is ubiquitous in the society of today, and in Croatia has also left its mark and made an impact which in this paper will be about the greats of Croatian sport, which are of immeasurable importance for the promotion of Croatian sport, but also of the Republic of Croatia as such. So, at the beginning of the paper, the field of marketing and marketing in sports will be theoretically addressed, and then the market mixes will be closed. Separately, it deals with market mixes that address the characteristics of the sports product itself. Sport is also being considered in the function of branding the state where athletes make their contribution to the promotion of the state, and this will be explored by some examples of Croatian greats in sports. The paper also examines the aim of determining the effectiveness of marketing in sports through sponsorship, determining the effectiveness of the impact of sport on state branding and establishing that top athletes are a kind of sports product. The main conclusion of the proven research is that large Croatian sports have played a major role in promoting Croatia, while the sports manufacturer with the player's logo or signature is not relevant when buying by consumers.
sportski proizvod
velikani hrvatskog sporta
Keywords (english)
sports product
greats of Croatian sport
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:322845
Study programme Title: Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima (magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-03-13 09:24:04