Title Kvaliteta usluge u zdravstvenom i wellness turizmu
Title (english) Service quality in health and wellness tourism
Author Lucija Mežnarić
Mentor Dijana Vuković (mentor)
Committee member Ante Rončević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Vuković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gregorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-05-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Tema diplomskog rada je „Kvaliteta usluge u zdravstvenom i wellness turizmu“ čime će se
objasniti turizam usmjeren na razvoj i postojeće stanje wellness turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Wellness je relativno novi fenomen u turističkom svijetu koji proširenjem sezone i povećanjem
iskorištenosti kapaciteta postaje strateški proizvod te ga treba smatrati, tretirati i njegovati s
osobljem, prodajnim agentima i svima koji mogu izravno ili neizravno sudjelovati u prodaji
proizvoda. Iako su potencijali wellnessa i drugih oblika zdravstvenog turizma u Republici
Hrvatskoj nedovoljno iskorišteni, može se potvrditi da u Republici Hrvatskoj postoji složena
struktura wellness turizma. Međutim, rastući trend ovog oblika turizma svakako je dobar motiv za
daljnja istraživanja. U teorijskom dijelu ovog rada govorit će se o međunarodnom turizmu, odnosno
utjecaju globalizacijskih procesa na svjetska turistička kretanja i turističkih aktivnosti, isto tako
baza rada biti će analiziranje tržišta wellness turizma od samoga nastanka, zatim primjena,
obilježja, koncept i elementi, te na kraju tko su segmenti koji ovu vrstu turizma koriste. Ovaj
diplomski rad donosi ključne elemente razvoja wellness turizma na ovim prostorima, u kojoj mjeri
se primjenjuju, te na koji način turističko tržište Republike Hrvatske prihvaća ovakav trend
turizma. Cilj istraživačkog dijela rada je ispitati stavove ispitanika o stanju wellness turizma u
Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno na 112 ispitanika na području Republike Hrvatske. Ovim
istraživanjem dobiva se mala predodžba o spoznaji hrvatskih postojećih potencijala i mogućnosti
daljnjeg razvoja hrvatske wellness ponude. Radom je potvrđena teza da kvaliteta wellness ponude
utječe na cijenu wellness proizvoda, kao i teza da kvaliteta wellness ponude utječe na brzinu
pružanja usluga.
Abstract (english) The topic of the thesis is "Quality of service in health and wellness tourism" which will explain
tourism focused on the development and current state of wellness tourism in the Republic of
Croatia. Wellness is a relatively new phenomenon in the tourist world, the lure is rarely any other
form of tourism product. By expanding the season and increasing capacity utilization, wellness is
becoming a strategic product and should be treated and nurtured with staff, sales agents and anyone
who can directly or indirectly participate in product sales. Although the potential of wellness and
other forms of health tourism in the Republic of Croatia is underutilized, it can be confirmed that
there is a complex structure of wellness tourism in the Republic of Croatia. However, the growing
trend of this form of tourism is certainly a good motive for further research. The theoretical part of
this paper will talk about international tourism, that is, the impact of globalization processes on
world tourism trends and tourist activities, and the base of the work will be to analyze the wellness
tourism market from its inception, application, characteristics, concept and elements, and finally
who are the segments that use this tourism garden. This thesis presents the key elements of the
development of wellness tourism in this region, to what extent they are applied, and how the tourist
market of the Republic of Croatia adopts this trend of tourism. The study was conducted on 110
subjects in the Republic of Croatia. This research gives a small sense about the knowledge of
Croatia's existing potentials and the possibility of further developing its wellness offer. The paper
confirms the thesis that the quality of the wellness offer affects the price of the wellness product,
as well as the thesis that the quality of the wellness offer affects the speed of service provision.
wellness turizam
razvoj wellnessa u Hrvatskoj
wellness programi
suvremeni turizam
Keywords (english)
wellness tourism
wellness development in Croatia
wellness programs
contemporary tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:306701
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-09-01 09:28:56