Title | Prilog analizi proračuna savitljivih temeljnih nosača poprečno opterečenih |
Title (english) | Enclosure to the analysis of flexion of transverse weighted constructions on the ground |
Author | Ivica Horvat |
Mentor | Božo Soldo (mentor) |
Committee member | Bojan Đurin (predsjednik povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Božo Soldo (član povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Aleksej Aniskin (član povjerenstva) |
Granter | University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Civil Engineering) Koprivnica |
Defense date and country | 2020-07-22, Croatia |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Supporting Structures |
Abstract | Da bi mogli dobiti dobar, pouzdan i kvalitetan proračun temelja objekta te da bi bili sigurni da kod izvođenja istih nećemo imati problema sa njihovom stabilnošću, moramo, osim samog dimenzioniranja oblika, količine armature i vrste temelja, dobro riješiti interakciju temelja objekta i temeljnog tla u svim fazama izgradnje. Zbog složenosti mehaničkih osobina tla, potrebno je kod proračuna interakcije temelja i temeljnog tla, uvesti određena pojednostavljenja jer bi u protivnom problem bio nerješiv ili bi dobiveni rezultati iziskivali nerealno skupa rješenja kod izvođenja objekta. Zbog svega navedenog, najveći je broj rješenja razvijen za tlo kao homogen, linearno elastičan i izotropan poluprostor. Sva ta pojednostavljenja te računalni programi omogućavaju nam, u proračunu naprezanja i slijeganja temeljnih nosača, korištenje numeričkih metoda. U mnogim stručnim i znanstvenim radovima analizirao je rješavanje ovakvih proračuna različitim numeričkim metodama, dok je u ovom radu naglasak na analitičkim metodama jednoparametarskog i dvoparametarskog tla, kao i usporedba rezultata sa rezultatima dobivenim numeričkom metodom u računalnom programu Tower 8.0 Demo i analitičkom metodom u računalnom programu „Greda“ iz paketa programa za rješavanje geotehničkih problema GEO5 2020 Demo. |
Abstract (english) | To be able to get a good, reliable and quality calculation of the building foundation and be sure that we will not have problems with their stability, we must, other than the dimensioning of the shape, amount of reinforcement and type of foundation, solve well the interaction between the building foundation and foundation soil at all stage of building. Because of the complexity of the mechanical characteristics of the soil, it is necessary to introduce certain simplifications in the calculation of the interaction be-tween the foundation and the foundation soil, otherwise the problem would be unsolvable, or the obtained results would require unrealistically expensive solutions. For all those reasons, the largest number of solutions has been developed for the soil as a homogeneous, linear elastic and isotropic half-spatial. These simplifications and computer programs enable us the use of numerical methods in the calculation of the stresses and settlement of foundation beams. Many scientific papers have analyzed the resolution of these calculation by different numerical methods, while in this paper focus is on analytical methods of single-parameter and two-parameter soil, as well as comparing results with the results obtained by the numerical method in the computer program of Tower 8.0 Demo and analytical method in the computer program “Greda” from a program package for solving geotechnical problems GEO5 2020 Demo. |
Keywords |
Keywords (english) |
Language | croatian |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:122:409446 |
Study programme | Title: Civil engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva) |
Type of resource | Text |
File origin | Born digital |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use | |
Created on | 2020-09-07 11:34:25 |