Abstract | U završnom radu opisano je kako se IoT (eng. Internet of Things) razvio kroz povijest, zašto je važna njegova primjena te koliku količinu podataka generira na internetu. Opisane su osnovne informacije zašto je je IoT potreban u industriji ali i kod osobne upotrebe korisnika te problemi koji nastaju zbog same sigurnosti. Kratko se osvrće i komentira utjecaj nove pete generacije mobilne mreže (5G) na IoT sustave. Na kraju IoT poglavlja opisane su prednosti i nedostaci primjene. U nastavku se govori o MQTT protokolu (eng. Message Queue Telemetry Transport) koji se kasnije praktično implementira, te su objašnjene njegove funkcije i princip rada. Detaljnije se osvrće na značenje klijent, broker, način na koji se povezuje s brokerom i održava veza, kvalitete usluge (QoS) te na ostale bitnije parametre MQTT protokola.
Uz praktični dio rada opisan je Arduino sustav koji predstavlja postojeći stroj/uređaj na kojeg se nadograđuje Esp8266 modul kako bi postao dio IoT svijeta. U nastavku rada detaljno su opisani korišteni senzori te njihove specifikacije kao i dio programskog koda za njihovo upravljanje. Korišteni su senzori temperature, vlage, tlaka kao i ventilator za demonstraciju upravljanja i nadzor. Opisana je implementacija MQTT protokola na Esp8266 modul i primjena UART komunikacije koja je temelj razmjene podataka između Arduino razvojne platforme i samog Esp8266 mikrokontrolera. Uz praktičan dio završnog rada korištenjem Paho biblioteke izrađena je i Android MQTT mobilna aplikacija za nadzor sustava i njegovo upravljanje te su dijelovi aplikacije dodatno objašnjeni. |
Abstract (english) | The final paper describes how the IoT (Internet of Things) has evolved throughout history, why its application is important and how much data it generates on the Internet. Basic information on why IoT is needed in industry, but also in the personal use of users, and the problems that arise due to security itself are described. The impact of the new fifth generation mobile network (5G) on IoT systems is briefly reviewed and commented on. The advantages and disadvantages of the application are described at the end of the IoT chapter. The MQTT protocol (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), which is later practically implemented, is discussed below, and its functions and working principle are explained. It looks in more detail at the meaning of the client, the broker, the way it connects with the broker and maintains the connection, the quality of service (QoS) and other important parameters of the MQTT protocol.
In addition to the practical part of the paper, the Arduino system is described, which is an existing machine / device to which the Esp8266 module is upgraded to become part of the IoT world. The following describes in detail the sensors used and their specifications, as well as part of the program code for their control. Temperature, humidity, pressure sensors as well as a fan were used to demonstrate control and monitoring. The implementation of the MQTT protocol on the Esp8266 module and the application of UART communication, which is the basis of data exchange between the Arduino development platform and the Esp8266 microcontroller itself, are described. In addition to the practical part of the final work, using the Paho library, an Android MQTT mobile application for system monitoring and management was created, and parts of the application were further explained. |