Title Pakiranja u parfemskoj industriji
Title (english) Packaging in the perfume industry
Author Žaklina Cestar
Mentor Robert Geček (mentor)
Committee member Nikolina Bolčević Horvatić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrija Bernik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Geček (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Multimedia, Design and Application) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology Processes of Graphic Reproduction
Abstract U ovom završnom radu obuhvaćen je pregled parfema kroz povijest, upotreba
raznovrsne ambalaže za parfeme, vrste ambalaže, njezina svrha, boje koje se koriste u
dizajnu ambalaže, kako kartonske tako i staklenih bočica te utjecaj izgleda ambalaže na
kupca i njegovu odluku o kupnji proizvoda tj. parfema. Ambalaža ima veliku ulogu
prilikom kupovine i odabira pojedinog proizvoda i zato se posebna pažnja posvećuje
dizajnu ambalaže, koji utječe na prodaju parfema. Ambalaža nema samo vizualni utjecaj
nego svojom funkcionalnošću brine o kvaliteti proizvoda tj. parfema, čuva njegovu
kvalitetu, a služi i kao ukras. Izgled ambalaže je bitan faktor pri odabiru proizvoda i utječe
na odluku o kupnji proizvoda.
Boje koje se upotrebljavaju pri dizajnu ambalaže također su važan čimbenik koji
utječe na kupca. Dizajn ambalaže mora predstavljati proizvod, a isto tako zainteresirati
kupca i navesti ga da kupi proizvod. Svaka boja ima svoje značenje i svaku boju
povezujemo s nečim, također svaku boju ne možemo koristiti u svakoj situaciji. S
psihološke strane, određene boje na nas djeluju na različite načine, ali povezanost s
bojama očituje se i u tome da neki ljudi neke boje vole više ili manje, dok neke boje uopće
ne vole. Moderna znanost pokušava odrediti kakva je veza između boja koje volimo i
ljudskog ponašanja pa se različitim istraživanjima uspjelo saznati da postoje veze između
karaktera ljudi i osjećaja boja. Ambalaža i boje koje na prvi pogled privuku našu pažnju,
utječu na naš odabir o kupnji proizvoda. U radu ću navesti i vrste parfema kao i 10
najpoznatijih parfema koji su obilježili parfemsku industriju. Na samom kraju rada
prikazat ću postupak izrade vlastite ambalaže i tijek same izrade.
Abstract (english) This final paper includes the review of the perfumes throughout the history, use of various
packaging for the perfumes, types of packaging, its purpose, the colours used in packaging
design, both cardboard packaging and glass vials, and the impact of the package appearance
on the customer and his/her decision about the purchase of the product, i.e. the perfume. The
package plays and enormous role in the purchase and selection of a specific product, therefore
especial attention is given to the package design which impacts the sales of the perfumes. The
impact of the package is not only visual - its functionality preserves the quality of the product,
i.e. perfume, and it also serves as the decoration. The appearance of the package is an
important factor in selection of the product and impacts the decision about the product
The colours used in the packaging design are also an important factor which influences the
customer. The package design has to represent the product, and also to intrigue the customer
and to entice him/her to buy the product. Every colour has its own meaning and can be related
to something. Also, each colour cannot be used in any situation. From the psychological
viewpoint, specific colours have various impact on people, but the relation with the colours is
manifested in the fact that people like some colours more or less, while some colours are
generally disliked. Modern science is trying to discern the connection between the colours
which are generally liked and human behaviour. Various researches have found out that there
are correlations between the person's character and the feeling of a specific colour. The
package and the colours which draw our attention immediately impact our decision about the
purchase of the product. In this paper, I will describe the types of the perfumes, as well as the
10 best known perfumes which have had the strongest impact on the perfume industry. In the
end of the paper I will show the procedure of the package manufacture and the process of the
povijest parfema
vrste ambalaže
dizajn ambalaže
izrada ambalaže
Keywords (english)
perfume history
types of packaging
packaging design
packaging design
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:205829
Study programme Title: Graphical Studies: Multimedia, Design and Application Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka multimedijske i grafičke tehnologije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka multimedijske i grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-09-09 07:07:19