Title Odnosi s javnostima u policiji
Title (english) Public relations in the police forces
Author Tanja Marinić Burazin
Mentor Gordana Lesinger (mentor)
Committee member Ljerka Luić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Lesinger (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Globočnik Žunac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Communicology and Public Relations) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-03-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Glavni predmet ovog rada jest uloga odnosa sa javnostima u policiji. Kako bi se izgradila
moderna policija temeljena na suradnji i javnosti rada prema smjernicama Ministarstva
unutarnjih poslova u odnosima s medijima potrebno je uvesti i promjene u segment rada odnosa
s javnošću, primarno zaduženog za kvalitetu komuniciranja s javnostima, a time i za dobar imidž
ministarstva i policije. Odnosi s javnošću su funkcija upravljanja koja uspostavlja i održava
obostrano korisne odnose između
... More ministarstva i raznih dijelova cjelokupne javnosti, o čijim
procjenama, prihvaćanju, razumijevanju i povjerenju ovisi uspjeh ministarstva, odnosno policije.
Javnost rada policije, ali i drugih službi Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, u svim modernim,
demokratskim državama, jedno je od temeljnih načela. Policija koja primjenjuje moderan način
djelovanja treba biti javni servis građana, kojem je zaštitna uloga pretpostavljena nadzornoj, a
proaktivan pristup važniji od reaktivnog. Da bi uistinu kročila tim pravcem, policija se, sukladno
najboljim praksama zemalja Europske unije, treba razvijati kroz raspodjelu moći, odnosno
suradnju sa cijelom društvenom zajednicom/cjelokupnom javnošću, što se postiže kvalitetnim
odnosima s javnošću. Kroz ovaj rad, autorica će predstaviti ulogu i značaj odnosa sa javnošću u
policiji te istražiti zadovoljstvo građana odnosima prema javnosti policije. Less
Abstract (english) The main subject of this paper is the role of public relations in the police. In order to build a
modern police force based on cooperation and publicity, according to the guidelines of the
Ministry of the Interior in media relations, it is necessary to introduce changes in the segment of
public relations work, primarily responsible for the quality of communication with the public,
and thus for good image. ministry and police. Public relations is a management function that
... More and maintains mutually beneficial relations between the ministry and the various
parts of the general public, on whose assessment, acceptance, understanding and confidence the
success of the ministry, or the police, depends. The publicity of the work of the police, as well
as of other services of the Ministry of the Interior, in all modern, democratic states, is one of the
fundamental principles. The police who apply the modern mode of action should be the public
service of citizens, whose protective role is assumed to be a supervisory and proactive approach
more important than a reactive one. In order to truly move in this direction, the police, in
accordance with the best practices of the EU countries, need to develop through the distribution
of power, that is, cooperation with the entire community / the general public, which is achieved
through quality public relations. Throughout this work, the author will outline the role and
importance of public relations in the police force and explore citizens' satisfaction with public
relations with the police. Less
odnosi s javnošću
ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova
Keywords (english)
the public
public relations
the ministry of internal affairs
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:837633
Study programme Title: Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima (magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-09-14 10:27:06